VMware Cloud Community

Can't revert to snapshot on vm using windows system[Solved]


I've set the disk mode to independent, thus snapshots have no effect😋

Set disk mode to <<Dependent>>





I was trying to revert snapshot on a vm with windows10 os

No error occurs and the tasks tab shows revert success. But i found some files created after the snapshot still exists, it's not what i expected

Here is the steps:

1. create snapshot A   at 10:52


2. login to the vm and create two NEW txt file on desktop


3. powered off the vm, and revert to the snapshot A

the tasks tab shows that everything is ok


4. login to the vm and check the result....

those two new txt files still exists, something must be wrong



When i tried these steps on a centos vm, everything went RIGHT

So i think maybe the windows os cause this problem, the iso i used might be broken.......After trying 3 different windows iso, nothing else happened, the new windows vm still can't revert snapshot

I'm at my wit's end, could anyone help?


vSphere Client Version 6.7.0

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