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Windows XP Sound Issue Not Addressed On Anything I Have Seen


I have a Mac Pro Quad 2.66 with 1gig RAM. I use the computer for audio and use Pro Tools LE with a Digi 002 and I also have an Alesis Multimix Firewire board installed on the computer. The Pro Tools has prevented me from updating to Leopard to get BootCamp, since it is not compatible yet, which may or may not solve my issue.

Anyway, I have installed VM Fusion on my Mac Pro with Windows XP and I can not get audio at all. Nothing through Windows Media...nothing through the sound program I am trying to use....nothing. I have looked all over and see nothing dealing specifically with Windows XP Home and audio issues.

I looked in the Device Manager and see under Sound, Video and Games that the device called Sound Blaster 16 or AWE32 or Compatible has an exclamation. I opened the network connection and tried to download new driver and it says there is no better drive found. I have downloaded VM Tools and it did not help. I also downloaded the new version of Fusion as well.

What am I doing wrong? I really need to get audio working on the Windows side. As a side note, I have audio just fine on the Mac side. Is there some place I need to go to download some secret drivers to make this work. Please help if you have any info. I am very frustrated.

Thank you.


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4 Replies

Did you make sure that the virtual machine's sound adapter is connected? Pull down Fusion's Virtual Machine menu and expand the Sound submenu. Click on Connected if it's not already checked.

I have downloaded VM Tools

Downloaded? The Fusion version of VMware Tools ships with Fusion. To install it in a running virtual machine, choose Fusion's Virtual Machine menu and click on Install VMware Tools. Make sure that you've logged into that virtual machine, using an account with administrator privilege.

If the tools installer doesn't automatically launch inside your virtual machine, use Windows Explorer to navigate to your virtual machine's CD-ROM drive. You should see that its icon is the VMware logo. Double-click it to run the Tools installer.

I'm not sure where you downloaded a version of VMware Tools from; perhaps it was the Tools version for another VMware product.

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Hi Ben,

I'm at work with a few minutes to spare so I don't have access to my system at home. However, I had this same issue and (finally) found an obscure posting with a solution that worked for me. It went something like this (all from memory, please be flexible about looking at this):

1. shut down the Virtual Machine

2. on your Mac HD drive, go into Library>Sound>Audio (or something like that ... get to the audio folder). Check this lowest level folder and see if there are any sound drivers/utilities that have been put there (by some Mac music playing program or something) and remove them ... the folder must be empty.

3. restart Fusion and, in my case, Windows XP, your virtual machine

Surprisingly, you should find that the sound stuff works (input and output). The post I read this on was a Vista installation, I think, but it worked for me with WinXP. If I get a chance later today, I'll get more details at home and update this ... or maybe someone else will see my post and be more clear on it (or even has a better solution!). Hope this helps.


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I have downloaded 1.1.1 and installed it. I have also installed the VM Tools and still no sound on the Windows side. It is beginning to look like to me that if you have Pro Tools and it's Core Audio Plug-In on your Mac you will not get audio via Windows XP with Fusion.

VM Ware technical support still has not answered my email from Saturday.

I looked in my plug-ins folder on my Mac and I don't want to screw around with deleting Pro Tools stuff since I use it for my business. The other plug-ins I see in the folder located at MacHD>Library>Audio>Plug-ins>HAL:

-iSight Audio

-DigiDesign Core Audio


I also have the Final Cut Pro Suite on my computer thus the DUC ProHD Audio Plug-in.

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To answer the question of ³is the sound adapter connected². Yes, I have

checked that several times and the box is checked for ³connected².

Thanks for the all the help, everyone. Hopefully I can find a way to keep

Pro Tools on board the computer and get the audio to work in Windows.


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