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Uninstall V2 and install V1? Keeps installing V2...

I got a new macbook (it's nice Smiley Happy and was porting over my vmware machines. V2 gave me some problems on a Direct3D tool I use for development, but thought I'd try it out on the new macbook on a lark. It didn't work, so I uninstalled V2 (from the dmg file), downloaded the last stable v1 and installed. Low and behold V2 is still there! I get the V1 menu for available machines, but everytime I start one up the V2 interface (with the option to upgrade and downgrade machines, although the settings menu is the old one) loads. It's like some weird hybrid.

I've verified this several times (load v2 dmg, uninstall, eject, delete that dmg, load v1 dmg and install) and each time it does the same thing. I just got the macbook, so I'm about to reinstall the whole OS b/c I have to have V1.

Any other ideas?

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3 Replies

That looks correct for what I recall from 1.x - what about the interface seems wrong? I believe 1.x did have a upgrade virtual machine entry - we do have other products, and some of them are older than Fusion 1.x Smiley Happy

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As Eric said and I agree that looks right however what does it say when you click VMware Fusion > About VMware Fusion?

BTW a Fusion 2.0 Virtual Machine's Toolbar looks like the image below which doesn't match what you're showing.

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You're right, I'm crazy. My v1 didn't have a toolbar enabled (I see that now) and it threw me for a loop.

Trash this thread if you like.

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