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Ubuntu 7.10 VMware Fusion Virtual Machine Setup Install HOWTO

I created this document for the Users that do not have enough experience dealing with Linux OSes and or the Command Line for installing VMware Tools and are having some difficulties creating an Ubuntu 7.10 VMware Fusion Virtual Machine for the first time. This guide is as step-by-step from start to finish as I thought necessary.

I choose to put this together for Ubuntu because of all the Linux OSes I’ve installed starting back in the early to mid 90’s this distribution is one of the easiest to install yet none-the-less if one is totally new to Linux OSes and or using Virtualization Software this can be difficult to accomplish when one has never done this before. Especially when it comes to installing VMware Tools from the Command Line this task alone can feel daunting until you have done it a couple times, even without understanding just what is happening during the process. I felt if one had everything in one document vs. having to look in the help file and the message boards and here or there or wherever it should be easier just following from start to finish in one document. This does not mean that this document is totally complete or the only thing you need, nothing is ever complete but this is a good start to having a successful install baring events outside of normal operating parameters. Smiley Happy

Also, at least on my 15” MBP, there is a lot of window resizing as the Ubuntu VM is starting up or shutting down, at least 4 different windows sizes are encountered and while I understand why this is occurring it appears messy and I find it quite annoying so I address this issue with a suggested fix to, at the least, minimize the appearance of messiness by eliminating one of the resizing and making two of them closer together in size. Installing VMware Tools helps this some however by resetting the Ubuntu Splash Screen to the same resolution of the VM’s BIOS POST Screen it puts the polish, so-to-speak, on the resizing.

Hope you find this guide helpful in creating your first Ubuntu Virtual Machine in VMware Fusion. Smiley Happy


File Attached: Ubuntu_7.10_VMware_Fusion_Virtual_Machine_Setup_Install_HOWTO.pdf


Edit: Note: The PDF Document I wrote was applicable to Fusion 1.1.0 (62573) and there was some specific directions related to editing the vmware-config-tools.pl file in VMware Tools and with Fusion 1.1.1 (72241) this is not necessary as VMware has updated the vmware-config-tools.pl file in Fusion 1.1.1 (72241) to reflect then necessary changes. So if your using Fusion 1.1.1 (72241) please do not make the mentioned edits and use the remaining information to help install VMware Tools.

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20 Replies

Many thanks for these instructions. I used them to install 8.04.1, as I simply could not work out what to do next. While the first attempt failed, on the second attempt I just stormed through accepting all the vanilla settings and was completely successful. I am now a happy bunny - thanks again.

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