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Looking for performance optimization for NFS on VMWare Fusion (for Ubuntu 12.04 guest)

I use a virtual machine (powered by vm-ware fusion 6) for web-development on Mac OS 10.8. To have all the files on the host mac (macbook 2009) I share them via NFS (v3). I use the following settings (/etc/exports) on Mac Host: /Users/macuser/Sites/Drupal -mapall=macuser:staff

To the /etc/fstab on the Ubuntu 12.04 guest I added: /home/drupalpro/websites nfs noatime,noacl,nodiratime,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 0 0

This works well so far, but I am wondering if there are more performance optimizations. As both, the NFS-Share and the Guest OS runs on the same machine I suspect that there is some more potential for optimization, i.e. different rsize/wsize or MTU size, etc.

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1 Reply

Thanks for using Fusion, I am not sure how to optimize your case, but if you share file from host to VM, how about use VMware Shared Folder? (VM Settings -> Sharing) It supports Linux guest as well. (After you added a shared folder, the folder is existed under /mnt/hgfs)

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