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Excel Web Query extremely slow

I use web queries inside Excel, running on a VMWare Guest OS for years now. I've never had any performance issues (well, other than the usual Excel performance).

Recently, without seemingly changing anything (other than add MacOS updates), my VMware Fusion v10.1.6 Windows 10 OS now takes MINUTES, and I mean like 5-10 minutes, to run one web query out of an excel sheet.

I have tried many different things. I tried reinstalling Office. I've tried other people's computers (that are running Windows 10 natively), I've tried creating a new user on my guest OS. Nothing seems to work.

One last thing I tried, suspecting maybe it had something to do with VMware, is to change the network type from NAT to bridged. This seems to make the problem tolerable. Instead of 5-10 minutes, it's now 5-10 seconds. I feel like this is still slower than before, but at least it's tolerable.

Can anyone explain what I'm seeing here? The HTTPS query I am executing works quickly and as expected in the Edge browser, and in IE running on the guest OS.

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2 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Hi schveiguy

I use web queries inside Excel, running on a VMWare Guest OS for years now. I've never had any performance issues (well, other than the usual Excel performance).

Could you describe how you used the Web queries inside Excel? Did you set web proxy(http/https) on your macOS host?

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It's a web query that I use to go to the web site (actually my web site), and import an html table of data into the spreadsheet. I haven't set up any kind of proxy, I normally use VMware NAT to connect my Windows 10 guest.

I've noticed when I go to my other VM guest (a Linux system with a test environment, also on NAT), it works OK. This is without SSL. When  I set the Windows guest to bridged network, it works OK. It's just this one case which is super slow. I haven't used wireshark yet to determine the timing of packets, but it should not be this slow, we are talking maybe 1-2k data.

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