VMware Cloud Community

ESXi vSphere - how to extend system data size (not virtual)?

I would like to increase the system hard drive data space and not one of my virtual hard drives.

How can I assign more data space to the system through vSphere web client or SSH, please?

I have tried to search online, but the only thing I always found is how to increase the virtual hard drive data size which is not what I need.

Perhaps this is burried somewhere between Managed -> Advanced settings configuration options? If so then what option exactly should I change?

Also it might be possible that the space which is not used by virtual hard drives is subsequently being used by ESXi itself and I do not need to do anything? If yes then this is strange, because I sometimes got an error (via SSH) that it is out of space.

Thanks in advance.

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1 Reply

I'm not aware of an option to resize the system partitions.

However, this may be caused by large log files (in this case you may want to check the logs to find out, whether there's something wrong).

What you can do, is to create a Scratch location (i.e. a folder) on one of the datastores, and configure it as shown in https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/1033696


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