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(Another) VMWare Fusion Crashed Now VM Won't start: Grain is pointed to by multiple GTEs

VMware fusion crashed again on me and now my VM won't start and there are some issues in the vmware.log file stating that a Grain is pointed to by multiple GTEs. André (a_p_) was able to help me out last time 🙂

The exact size of the file Virtual Disk-s013.vmdk is 1,737,293,824 bytes.


I have attached a zip containing the metadata and vmware.log file. Any help would be appreciated!

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2 Replies

Here we go. Like with your previous issue, the pointers to two 64kB blocks have to be zeroed out:

printf '\x00' | dd of="Virtual Disk-s013.vmdk" bs=1 seek=115777 count=1 conv=notrunc
printf '\x00' | dd of="Virtual Disk-s013.vmdk" bs=1 seek=115778 count=1 conv=notrunc
printf '\x00' | dd of="Virtual Disk-s013.vmdk" bs=1 seek=115780 count=1 conv=notrunc
printf '\x00' | dd of="Virtual Disk-s013.vmdk" bs=1 seek=115781 count=1 conv=notrunc
printf '\x00' | dd of="Virtual Disk-s013.vmdk" bs=1 seek=115782 count=1 conv=notrunc
printf '\x00' | dd of="Virtual Disk-s013.vmdk" bs=1 seek=376385 count=1 conv=notrunc
printf '\x00' | dd of="Virtual Disk-s013.vmdk" bs=1 seek=376386 count=1 conv=notrunc
printf '\x00' | dd of="Virtual Disk-s013.vmdk" bs=1 seek=376388 count=1 conv=notrunc
printf '\x00' | dd of="Virtual Disk-s013.vmdk" bs=1 seek=376389 count=1 conv=notrunc
printf '\x00' | dd of="Virtual Disk-s013.vmdk" bs=1 seek=376390 count=1 conv=notrunc

Please note that the vmware.log also shows an issues with Disk-005.vmdk. Please ensure that you have a current backup of the VM's files/folder.


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Might I suggest that it's time for a backup strategy?  Time machine is unreliable - either copy the VM's manually (when shut down preferably, or at least suspended), or use a tool like @wila developers.

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