VMware Cloud Community

Seeking an Approval Policy Type with the necessary clause for a Service Blueprint...

First time poster, here.  This is for vRealize Auomation 6.2 (Build 6.2.1-2543390)

Using the vRealize Orchestrator instance embedded in our vRealize Appliance vApp by starting the service, I have been able to publish several service blueprints into the service catalog.  One such service blueprint changes the amount of RAM configured for a vCenter VM (that vCenter instance being one of our endpoints in vRealize Automation). 

What I had hoped to do in this case was, use the vRealize Automation Approval Policies to create a policy that would restrict vRealize Automation users from running the 'Change RAM' service catalog item (which exposes the new memory value to users, as I have it configured) from specifying an overly excessive amount of RAM as the new value. 

In testing the Approval Policies, I find that the policy type of 'Service Catalog - Catalog Item Request - Advanced Service Bluprint' may be bound to my entitled catalog item, however, this policy lacks the 'Resource > Memory (MB)' clause desired to restrict excessive allocation of RAM by users.  I see by comparison that other policy types have the 'Resource > Memory (MB)' clause, but, I can not seem to get these other policy types once activated to be visible to the same entitled catalog item in order to be bound to that item. 

I can not find any combination of a policy type that both includes the 'Resource > Memory (MB)' clause I seem to need, and, may be bound to the target entitled catalog item.  Can anybody either point to documentation that clarifies which policy types (with their clauses) may be bound to which entitled objects (be they entitled services, entitled catalog items, or entitled actions), or otherwise suggest how I may be able to achieve my goal?  Thanks. 

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