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Updating Beta designs to 1.0.0 compatible designs.

Management Pack Builder Upgrade Script

This tool will convert a design exported from a supported beta version of Management Pack Builder so to a file usable with the GA 1.0.0 release.

Supported OS:

  • Linux (Bash)
  • Mac OS (Bash)
  • Windows (Powershell)

Supported Beta Design Versions:

  • 0.4.1
  • 0.4.0
  • 0.3.0


Export your design files from the beta version using the built-in export feature. Do not modify these exported designs in any way (including changing the spacing/reformatting the file, etc).

Bash Script

If you are a Linux or Mac user, use the bash script like so:

./mpb_upgrade.sh path/to/your/exported_design.json

This will likely be in your downloads directory.

The script will create a new file with the suffix _updated added to it and will be placed in the same directory as the original file.

For example, if I want to update my Rubrik design which I have exported from a previous version, I can run:

./mpb_upgrade.sh ~/Downloads/Rubrik\ For\ Upgrade_1_0_0_0_export.json

And this will save a new file ~/Downloads/Rubrik\ For\ Upgrade_1_0_0_0_export_updated.json that can be imported to the GA 1.0.0 release of the Management Pack Builder.

Powershell Script

If you are a Windows user, use the powershell script like so:

.\mpb_upgrade.ps1 C:\path\to\your\exported_design.json

This will look something like:

.\mpb_upgrade.ps1 'C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Rubrik For Upgrade_1_0_0_0_export.json'

Like the Bash script, it will save the file in the same directory as the original was located in with _updated appended to the file name.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Shell script.  Save the following to mpb_upgrade.sh


# Define variables


if [[ $filename != *\.json ]] # * is used for pattern matching
  echo "File $filename must end with .json";

if test -f "$filename"; then
    echo "File found. Converting for use with GA 1.0.0"
	echo "File $filename does not exist."

# We're modifying the file directly rather than reading it as json so that the user doesn't have to
# install jq if they don't already have it. Since MPB exports the files in a specific format,
# we can find the lines we need to change without reading it as json.

# whether or not we found the version string
# the line that should exist if we have the version
versionLine="  \"version\": 1,"

# Mapping of severity label changes (0.4.0 and 0.4.1)	
# Old lines that must be replaced if they exist because they reference old severity labels
debugSeverityLine="              \"vropsSeverity\": \"Debug\""
ignoreSeverityLine="              \"vropsSeverity\": \"Ignore\""
defaultDebugSeverityLine="          \"default\": \"Debug\""
defaultIgnoreSeverityLine="          \"default\": \"Ignore\""

# New lines that must replaced the old labels if they exist
newDebugSeverityLine="              \"vropsSeverity\": \"Log Only\""
newIgnoreSeverityLine="              \"vropsSeverity\": \"Discard\""
newDefaultDebugSeverityLine="          \"default\": \"Log Only\""
newDefaultIgnoreSeverityLine="          \"default\": \"Discard\""

# Script logic begins here

lines=$(cat "$filename")

# This might take a few seconds, but run as background tasks and wait 
# for them so that it doesn't take minutes
echo "Reading lines and determining adjustments"
while read LINE; do
	    if [ "$LINE" = "$versionLine" ]; then
	} &
done <<<"$lines"


# Handle version update when neccasary (all pre-GA versions)
if [ $foundVersion = false ]; then
	echo "Adding version"
	# insert it after the design id
	idStr="  \"id\": null,"
	lines=$(echo $lines | sed "s|$idStr|$idStr\n${versionLine}|g")

# Handle chnaged severity labels (0.4.0 and 0.4.1)
echo "Resolving severities if present"
lines=$(echo $lines | sed "s|$debugSeverityLine|$newDebugSeverityLine|g")
lines=$(echo $lines | sed "s|$ignoreSeverityLine|$newIgnoreSeverityLine|g")
lines=$(echo $lines | sed "s|$defaultDebugSeverityLine|$newDefaultDebugSeverityLine|g")
lines=$(echo $lines | sed "s|$defaultIgnoreSeverityLine|$newDefaultIgnoreSeverityLine|g")

# 0.3.0 will not have the events array, however MPB interprets the events array key missing as an empty array
# so we don't have to do anything special for upgrade.

# save the file
strippedName=$(echo "${filename%%.*}")
echo "Updated file saved to: $newName"
printf "%s\n" "${lines[@]}" > "$newName"
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