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  • 1.  Esxi 8 connection error

    Posted Feb 22, 2024 09:46 PM
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    I try to connect 3 servers (ESXi 8.0 Update 1c build 22088125) to vCenter and failed. They show connection errors. The vCenter server and ESXi hosts are in the same network without firewall between. Then I try to connect directed in the ESXi user interface and it's impossible (in any one server). I disable the firewall but have the same error connection. I check the services httpd/vpxa and they are running all. I use tcpdump to see if the traffic flow between vCenter and ESXi and it's ok,

    The server it's new. It's a Dell R750 vSAN ready node, with ESXi 8 preinstalled.

    Anyone's know if the nodes Dell comes with some default configuration that not permit the connection to UI and vCenter?

    I appreciated all comments, regards.

  • 2.  RE: Esxi 8 connection error

    Posted Feb 22, 2024 11:43 PM

     - this is almost certainly a DNS issue.


    Either the DNS records for your ESXi are missing on the DNS server being used, or Port 53 required for DNS traffic is blocked, or you have a networking configuration issue. Whichever the cause, your vCenter is unable to resolve the hostname of your ESXi host, hence the error.


    The suggestions below should help you narrow down the problem and point you in the right direction:

    1. SSH into your vcenter and run the command "nslookup" and see if it an resolve the hostname?
    2. When adding the ESXi host to vCenter, try using the IP address, and see what happens? I suspect that will work.
    3. On a Windows machine (if you have one) use the command nslookup <ip address of DNS server>. to force a DNS query against that specific DNS server, and confirm your Windows machine can resolve the IP address.


  • 3.  RE: Esxi 8 connection error

    Posted Feb 22, 2024 11:52 PM

    Thanks, HTH to responded.

    Unfortunately, it is not a DNS resolution problem. I am currently trying to connect by IP to discard the DNS resolution.



  • 4.  RE: Esxi 8 connection error

    Posted Feb 23, 2024 12:13 AM

    Sounds like the last of my suggestions then, a networking configuration issue. 


    Login via SSH to vcenter, and ping your ESXi host via its IP, does that work? You can also use vmkping esxi-ip vmk# (where # is the number of the vmkernel port you expect to be able to ping the host via). What is the result of that?


    PS HTH = Hope this helps, its not my name 


  • 5.  RE: Esxi 8 connection error

    Posted Feb 23, 2024 12:20 AM

    hahah! sorry for the confusion with your name!

    Ping and ssh work very well. DNS resolution work fine. It´s impossible to connect https://<ip node>/ui or connect the node in vCenter. The most estrange is that the three nodes have the same issue (Dell R750 vSAN ready node).


  • 6.  RE: Esxi 8 connection error

    Posted Feb 23, 2024 01:42 AM

    Ok well that's a clue. If you can't load the Web UI of the hosts, maybe there's something corrupt with the build that is preventing the services from loading or something screwy with the networking. Did you use the Dell Custom ISO, and have you loaded any other drivers/vibs to the image?

    What happens when you access the web interface of an ESXi host? Do you get an error code, or does it fail to reach the UI at all?

    Can you SSH into the ESXi host, and run service-control --status and post a screenshot or confirm which services are and aren't running? (Note you may need to enable SSH via the DCUI console, as you can't load the Web Interface to enable SSH).


    In the DCUI, run the Test Management Network option, do all tests pass?


    Finally another thought, make sure you are not using LACP for management if using a Standard Switch as it is not supported. 


  • 7.  RE: Esxi 8 connection error

    Posted Feb 23, 2024 09:26 PM



    Finally i use the last resource and reinstalled ESXi, but nothing happends, it's the same issue. So, i opened support case in Dell. When i have news, i posted.

    I response between lines:

    Ok well that's a clue. If you can't load the Web UI of the hosts, maybe there's something corrupt with the build that is preventing the services from loading or something screwy with the networking. Did you use the Dell Custom ISO, and have you loaded any other drivers/vibs to the image?

    The servers comes with preinstaled ESXi image, ESXi 8.0 U1

    What happens when you access the web interface of an ESXi host? Do you get an error code, or does it fail to reach the UI at all?

    Error connection show the web browser.

    Can you SSH into the ESXi host, and run service-control --status and post a screenshot or confirm which services are and aren't running? (Note you may need to enable SSH via the DCUI console, as you can't load the Web Interface to enable SSH).

    I can't find the service-control command, maybe because it's version 8 the esxi.

    In the DCUI, run the Test Management Network option, do all tests pass?

    All test passed, ping and nslookup it's ok.

    Finally another thought, make sure you are not using LACP for management if using a Standard Switch as it is not supported. 

    I'm setting only one vmnic and i checked there is connected in a vswitch std.

    Thank you for your time!
