bless( { 'layoutEx' => bless( { 'timestamp' => '2010-09-10T13:31:04.877684Z', 'disk' => [ bless( { 'chain' => [ bless( { 'fileKey' => [ '0', '1' ] }, 'VirtualMachineFileLayoutExDiskUnit' ) ], 'key' => '2000' }, 'VirtualMachineFileLayoutExDiskLayout' ) ], 'file' => [ bless( { 'name' => '[nfs2] 0789611321-debian-1/0789611321-debian-1.vmdk', 'type' => 'diskDescriptor', 'size' => '553', 'key' => '0' }, 'VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileInfo' ), bless( { 'name' => '[nfs2] 0789611321-debian-1/0789611321-debian-1-flat.vmdk', 'type' => 'diskExtent', 'size' => '971575296', 'key' => '1' }, 'VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileInfo' ), bless( { 'name' => '[nfs2] 0789611321-debian-1/vmware.log', 'type' => 'log', 'size' => '59640', 'key' => '2' }, 'VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileInfo' ), bless( { 'name' => '[nfs2] 0789611321-debian-1/vmware-1.log', 'type' => 'log', 'size' => '141364', 'key' => '7' }, 'VirtualMachineFileLayoutExFileInfo' ), bless( { 'name' => '[nfs2] 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{ 'value' => 'alarm-31', 'type' => 'Alarm' }, 'ManagedObjectReference' ), 'key' => 'alarm-31.vm-388' }, 'AlarmState' ), bless( { 'overallStatus' => bless( { 'val' => 'gray' }, 'ManagedEntityStatus' ), 'entity' => bless( { 'value' => 'vm-388', 'type' => 'VirtualMachine' }, 'ManagedObjectReference' ), 'acknowledged' => '0', 'time' => '2010-09-10T13:19:43.916921Z', 'alarm' => bless( { 'value' => 'alarm-35', 'type' => 'Alarm' }, 'ManagedObjectReference' ), 'key' => 'alarm-35.vm-388' }, 'AlarmState' ), bless( { 'overallStatus' => bless( { 'val' => 'gray' }, 'ManagedEntityStatus' ), 'entity' => bless( { 'value' => 'vm-388', 'type' => 'VirtualMachine' }, 'ManagedObjectReference' ), 'acknowledged' => '0', 'time' => '2010-09-10T13:19:43.916921Z', 'alarm' => bless( { 'value' => 'alarm-6', 'type' => 'Alarm' }, 'ManagedObjectReference' ), 'key' => 'alarm-6.vm-388' }, 'AlarmState' ), bless( { 'overallStatus' => bless( { 'val' => 'gray' }, 'ManagedEntityStatus' ), 'entity' => bless( { 'value' => 'vm-388', 'type' => 'VirtualMachine' }, 'ManagedObjectReference' ), 'acknowledged' => '0', 'time' => '2010-09-10T13:19:43.916921Z', 'alarm' => bless( { 'value' => 'alarm-7', 'type' => 'Alarm' }, 'ManagedObjectReference' ), 'key' => 'alarm-7.vm-388' }, 'AlarmState' ), bless( { 'overallStatus' => bless( { 'val' => 'gray' }, 'ManagedEntityStatus' ), 'entity' => bless( { 'value' => 'vm-388', 'type' => 'VirtualMachine' }, 'ManagedObjectReference' ), 'acknowledged' => '0', 'time' => '2010-09-10T13:19:43.916921Z', 'alarm' => bless( { 'value' => 'alarm-8', 'type' => 'Alarm' }, 'ManagedObjectReference' ), 'key' => 'alarm-8.vm-388' }, 'AlarmState' ) ], 'layout' => bless( { 'disk' => [ bless( { 'diskFile' => [ '[nfs2] 0789611321-debian-1/0789611321-debian-1.vmdk' ], 'key' => '2000' }, 'VirtualMachineFileLayoutDiskLayout' ) ], 'swapFile' => '[nfs2] 0789611321-debian-1/0789611321-debian-1-fe1a02f1.vswp', 'configFile' => [ '0789611321-debian-1.vmxf', '0789611321-debian-1.nvram', '0789611321-debian-1.vmsd' ], 'logFile' => [ 'vmware.log', 'vmware-1.log' ] }, 'VirtualMachineFileLayout' ), 'datastore' => [ bless( { 'value' => 'datastore-189', 'type' => 'Datastore' }, 'ManagedObjectReference' ) ], 'tag' => undef, 'triggeredAlarmState' => undef, 'parent' => bless( { 'value' => 'group-v386', 'type' => 'Folder' }, 'ManagedObjectReference' ), 'vim' => $vm_views[0]{'vim'}, 'value' => [ bless( { 'value' => 'director', 'key' => '3' }, 'CustomFieldStringValue' ) ], 'resourcePool' => bless( { 'value' => 'resgroup-343', 'type' => 'ResourcePool' }, 'ManagedObjectReference' ), 'permission' => undef, 'name' => '0789611321-debian-1', 'capability' => bless( { 'settingVideoRamSizeSupported' => '1', 'settingScreenResolutionSupported' => '0', 'bootOptionsSupported' => '1', 'lockSnapshotsSupported' => '0', 'recordReplaySupported' => '1', 'poweredOffSnapshotsSupported' => '1', 'diskSharesSupported' => '1', 'multipleSnapshotsSupported' => '1', 'vmNpivWwnUpdateSupported' => '1', 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=> 'notConfigured' }, 'VirtualMachineFaultToleranceState' ) }, 'VirtualMachineRuntimeInfo' ), 'guest' => bless( { 'toolsRunningStatus' => 'guestToolsNotRunning', 'toolsStatus' => bless( { 'val' => 'toolsNotRunning' }, 'VirtualMachineToolsStatus' ), 'guestState' => 'notRunning', 'toolsVersionStatus' => 'guestToolsCurrent' }, 'GuestInfo' ), 'availableField' => [ bless( { 'managedObjectType' => 'VirtualMachine', 'name' => 'system.service.vmware.vsla.director', 'type' => 'string', 'key' => '3' }, 'CustomFieldDef' ) ], 'alarmActionsEnabled' => 'true', 'recentTask' => undef, 'effectiveRole' => [ '-1' ], 'configStatus' => bless( { 'val' => 'green' }, 'ManagedEntityStatus' ), 'customValue' => [ bless( { 'value' => 'director', 'key' => '3' }, 'CustomFieldStringValue' ) ], 'guestHeartbeatStatus' => bless( { 'val' => 'red' }, 'ManagedEntityStatus' ), 'summary' => bless( { 'quickStats' => bless( { 'staticCpuEntitlement' => '260', 'overallCpuDemand' => '251', 'ftLogBandwidth' => '-1', 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=> '', 'key' => '0', 'productUrl' => '', 'fullVersion' => '', 'vendor' => '' }, 'VAppProductInfo' ), 'memoryReservation' => '512', 'annotation' => '' }, 'VirtualMachineConfigSummary' ), 'storage' => bless( { 'timestamp' => '2010-09-10T13:31:04.877684Z', 'committed' => '971789423', 'unshared' => '971789423', 'uncommitted' => '1175908352' }, 'VirtualMachineStorageSummary' ) }, 'VirtualMachineSummary' ), 'rootSnapshot' => undef, 'disabledMethod' => [ 'Destroy_Task', 'UnregisterVM', 'RevertToCurrentSnapshot_Task', 'RemoveAllSnapshots_Task', 'UnmountToolsInstaller', 'RebootGuest', 'StandbyGuest', 'ShutdownGuest', 'AnswerVM', 'UpgradeVM_Task', 'UpgradeTools_Task', 'TurnOffFaultToleranceForVM_Task', 'MakePrimaryVM_Task', 'TerminateFaultTolerantVM_Task', 'DisableSecondaryVM_Task', 'EnableSecondaryVM_Task', 'StopRecording_Task', 'StopReplaying_Task', 'CustomizeVM_Task', 'MarkAsTemplate', 'ResetGuestInformation', 'ExportVm', 'PowerOnVM_Task', 'MarkAsVirtualMachine' ], 'environmentBrowser' => 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}, 'VirtualKeyboard' ), bless( { 'backing' => bless( { 'hostPointingDevice' => 'autodetect', 'useAutoDetect' => '0', 'deviceName' => '' }, 'VirtualPointingDeviceDeviceBackingInfo' ), 'unitNumber' => '1', 'deviceInfo' => bless( { 'summary' => 'Pointing device; Device', 'label' => 'Pointing device' }, 'Description' ), 'controllerKey' => '300', 'key' => '700' }, 'VirtualPointingDevice' ), bless( { 'useAutoDetect' => '0', 'enable3DSupport' => '0', 'videoRamSizeInKB' => '4096', 'unitNumber' => '0', 'deviceInfo' => bless( { 'summary' => 'Video card', 'label' => 'Video card ' }, 'Description' ), 'controllerKey' => '100', 'key' => '500' }, 'VirtualMachineVideoCard' ), bless( { 'allowUnrestrictedCommunication' => '0', 'id' => '-1770913136', 'unitNumber' => '17', 'deviceInfo' => bless( { 'summary' => 'Device on the virtual machine PCI bus that provides support for the virtual machine communication interface', 'label' => 'VMCI device' }, 'Description' ), 'controllerKey' => '100', 'key' => '12000' 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'datastore-189', 'type' => 'Datastore' }, 'ManagedObjectReference' ), 'thinProvisioned' => '1', 'split' => '0', 'contentId' => '0a886a2f82582a07e1d469b112b10d50' }, 'VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo' ), 'unitNumber' => '0', 'deviceInfo' => bless( { 'summary' => '2,097,152 KB', 'label' => 'Hard disk 1' }, 'Description' ), 'controllerKey' => '1000', 'key' => '2000' }, 'VirtualDisk' ), bless( { 'connectable' => bless( { 'allowGuestControl' => '1', 'status' => 'untried', 'connected' => '0', 'startConnected' => '0' }, 'VirtualDeviceConnectInfo' ), 'backing' => bless( { 'useAutoDetect' => '0', 'deviceName' => '/dev/cdrom' }, 'VirtualCdromAtapiBackingInfo' ), 'unitNumber' => '0', 'deviceInfo' => bless( { 'summary' => 'ATAPI /dev/cdrom', 'label' => 'CD/DVD Drive 1' }, 'Description' ), 'controllerKey' => '201', 'key' => '3002' }, 'VirtualCdrom' ), bless( { 'macAddress' => '00:50:56:01:00:06', 'backing' => bless( { 'network' => bless( { 'value' => 'network-364', 'type' => 'Network' }, 'ManagedObjectReference' ), 'useAutoDetect' => '0', 'deviceName' => 'none' }, 'VirtualEthernetCardNetworkBackingInfo' ), 'wakeOnLanEnabled' => '1', 'key' => '4000', 'connectable' => bless( { 'allowGuestControl' => '1', 'status' => 'untried', 'connected' => '0', 'startConnected' => '0' }, 'VirtualDeviceConnectInfo' ), 'addressType' => 'manual', 'deviceInfo' => bless( { 'summary' => 'none', 'label' => 'Network adapter 1' }, 'Description' ), 'unitNumber' => '7', 'controllerKey' => '100' }, 'VirtualE1000' ), bless( { 'macAddress' => '00:50:56:01:00:05', 'backing' => bless( { 'port' => bless( { 'connectionCookie' => '1004147927', 'switchUuid' => 'd0 f7 12 50 1a 1c 6c 08-08 5d 20 bf e5 0c b0 f3', 'portKey' => '278', 'portgroupKey' => 'dvportgroup-389' }, 'DistributedVirtualSwitchPortConnection' ) }, 'VirtualEthernetCardDistributedVirtualPortBackingInfo' ), 'wakeOnLanEnabled' => '1', 'key' => '4001', 'connectable' => bless( { 'allowGuestControl' => '1', 'status' => 'ok', 'connected' => '1', 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