package SubmitWinP2VJob; import*; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import com.vmware.converter.*; public class ConverterOperation { /** * Type of the operation to perform. One instance of ConverterOperation will * perform one operation. */ private enum OperationType { Convert, Reconfig, Synchronize, // Schedule incremental task of a // synchronizable Windows P2V job QuerySource, // Prints source machine info GetDefaults, // Calls ValidateTargetAndGetDefaults and prints default // conversion parameters List; // List recent jobs and tasks } /** * Type of the conversion source. Not applicable to operations of type List. */ private enum SourceType { Invalid, Physical, Managed, // VC, ESX Hosted, // WS, Player, Fusion. Also third party images and backups HyperV; } /** * Type of the source machine OS. */ private enum OsType { Invalid, windowsOs, linuxOs; } /** * Type of the destination VM Applicable only to operations of type Convert */ private enum TargetType { Invalid, Managed, // VC, ESX Hosted; // WS, Player, Fusion } /** * Type of cloning Applicable only to operations of type Convert */ private enum CloningMode { Invalid, diskBasedCloning, volumeBasedCloning, linkedClone; } /** * Ipv6 Config Type * */ private enum Ipv6ConfigMode { Invalid, automatic, manual; } // Conversion Job details private OperationType[] _operations = null; private SourceType _sourceType = SourceType.Invalid; private TargetType _targetType = TargetType.Invalid; private int _jobId = 0; private boolean _jobSync = false; private Date _jobSyncStart = new Date(0); private boolean _jobSyncFinalize; // Source details private String _sourcePhysAddress; private String _sourcePhysUsername; private String _sourcePhysPassword; private String _sourcePhysKeyPath; private OsType _sourcePhysOsType = OsType.Invalid; private int _sourcePhysAgentPort = 0; // 9089 private String _sourcePhysThumbprint; private boolean _sourcePhysReboot = false; private String _sourceManagedAddress; private String _sourceManagedThumbprint; private String _sourceManagedUsername; private String _sourceManagedPassword; private String _sourceManagedVm; private String _sourceHostedType; private String _sourceHostedConfigFilePath; private String _sourceHostedPassword; private String _sourceHostedNetworkUsername; private String _sourceHostedNetworkPassword; private String _sourceHypervHostname; private int _sourceHypervPort; private String _sourceHypervUsername; private String _sourceHypervPassword; private String _sourceHypervVmName; private String _sourceHypervVmGuid; private String _sourceHypervThumbprint; // Target details private String _targetManagedAddress; private String _targetManagedThumbprint; private String _targetManagedUsername; private String _targetManagedPassword; private String _targetManagedHost; private String _targetManagedResourcePool; private String _targetManagedCluster; private String _targetManagedVmFolder; private String _vmName; private String _targetHostedDirectory; private String _targetHostedNetworkUsername; private String _targetHostedNetworkPassword; // Target VM attributes private int _vmVcpu = 0; private Long _vmMemory = 0L; private int _coresPerSocket = 0; // Storage parameters private CloningMode _cloningMode = CloningMode.Invalid; private String _diskControllerType; private boolean _optimizeAlignment = true; // Default value if not set private ConverterStorageParamsTargetDiskParams[] _targetDiskParams; //HelpverVMNetwork parameters private boolean _useIpv4 = false; //Default value if not set private boolean _useDhcp = false; private boolean _useIpv6 = false; private Ipv6ConfigMode _ipv6ConfigType = Ipv6ConfigMode.Invalid; private ConverterHelperVmNetworkParamsStaticNetworkParams _staticNetworkParams; private ConverterHelperVmNetworkParamsStaticIpv6NetworkParams _staticIpv6NetworkParams; private String[] _dnsServers; private String[] _dnsSuffixes; //network params private boolean _preserveNicCount; private boolean _preserveNicMapping; private ConverterNetworkParamsManagedNicParams[] _nicParams; // List private int _tasks; private int _jobs; private ConverterConnection _converterServer = null; private String _propertiesFile; /** * Constructor * @param converterServer Connection to converter server * @param propertiesFile Path to file with operation details */ public ConverterOperation(ConverterConnection converterServer, String propertiesFile) { _converterServer = converterServer; _propertiesFile = propertiesFile; } /** * Execute the operation */ public final void execute() { BufferedReader reader = null; try { FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(_propertiesFile); reader = new BufferedReader(fileReader); getInputFromFile(reader); } catch (IOException | ParseException e) { System.err.println("Failed to load input file " + _propertiesFile); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return; } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } String op = ""; try { for (OperationType operation : _operations) { op = operation.toString(); System.out.format("Executing operation '%1$s' from properties file '%2$s'", op, _propertiesFile); System.out.println(); switch (operation) { case Convert: convert(); break; case Reconfig: reconfig(); break; case Synchronize: synchronize(); break; case QuerySource: querySource(); break; case GetDefaults: getDefaults(); break; case List: list(); break; default: assert false : "Invalid operation"; break; } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.format("Failed to execute operation '%1$s' from file '%2$s'", op, _propertiesFile); System.err.println(); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Parse the properties file and saves its data to member variables * @param propertiesFile * @return * @throws IOException * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws ParseException */ private void getInputFromFile(BufferedReader reader) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ParseException { assert (reader != null) : "Reader is null!"; for (String readLine = reader.readLine(); readLine != null; readLine = reader.readLine()) { // Remove comments if (readLine.contains(";")) { readLine = readLine.substring(0, readLine.indexOf(';')); } readLine = readLine.trim(); if (Common.isNullOrEmpty(readLine)) { continue; } String[] props = readLine.split("[=#]", -1); switch (props[0]) { case "operation.count": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { int count = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); _operations = new OperationType[count]; } break; case "operation": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[2])) { int op = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); if (_operations != null && op < _operations.length) { _operations[op] = OperationType.valueOf(props[2]); } } break; case "": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _jobId = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); } break; case "job.sync": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _jobSync = Boolean.parseBoolean(props[1]); } break; case "job.sync.start": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _jobSyncStart = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.US).parse(props[1]); } break; case "job.sync.finalize": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _jobSyncFinalize = Boolean.parseBoolean(props[1]); } break; case "source.type": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _sourceType = SourceType.valueOf(props[1]); } break; case "source.physical.address": _sourcePhysAddress = props[1]; break; case "source.physical.username": _sourcePhysUsername = props[1]; break; case "source.physical.password": _sourcePhysPassword = props[1]; break; case "source.physical.clientPrivateKey": _sourcePhysKeyPath = props[1]; break; case "source.physical.ostype": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _sourcePhysOsType = OsType.valueOf(props[1]); } break; case "source.physical.agentport": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _sourcePhysAgentPort = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); } break; case "source.physical.thumbprint": _sourcePhysThumbprint = props[1]; break; case "source.physical.reboot": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _sourcePhysReboot = Boolean.parseBoolean(props[1]); } break; case "source.managed.address": _sourceManagedAddress = props[1]; break; case "source.managed.thumbprint": _sourceManagedThumbprint = props[1]; break; case "source.managed.username": _sourceManagedUsername = props[1]; break; case "source.managed.password": _sourceManagedPassword = props[1]; break; case "source.managed.vm": _sourceManagedVm = props[1]; break; case "source.hosted.type": _sourceHostedType = props[1]; break; case "source.hosted.configfilepath": _sourceHostedConfigFilePath = props[1]; break; case "source.hosted.password": _sourceHostedPassword = props[1]; break; case "source.hosted.networkusername": _sourceHostedNetworkUsername = props[1]; break; case "source.hosted.networkpassword": _sourceHostedNetworkPassword = props[1]; break; case "source.hyperv.hostname": _sourceHypervHostname = props[1]; break; case "source.hyperv.port": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _sourceHypervPort = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); } break; case "source.hyperv.username": _sourceHypervUsername = props[1]; break; case "source.hyperv.password": _sourceHypervPassword = props[1]; break; case "source.hyperv.vmname": _sourceHypervVmName = props[1]; break; case "source.hyperv.vmguid": _sourceHypervVmGuid = props[1]; break; case "source.hyperv.thumbprint": _sourceHypervThumbprint = props[1]; break; case "target.type": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _targetType = TargetType.valueOf(props[1]); } break; case "target.managed.address": _targetManagedAddress = props[1]; break; case "target.managed.thumbprint": _targetManagedThumbprint = props[1]; break; case "target.managed.username": _targetManagedUsername = props[1]; break; case "target.managed.password": _targetManagedPassword = props[1]; break; case "": _targetManagedHost = props[1]; break; case "target.managed.resourcepool": _targetManagedResourcePool = props[1]; break; case "target.managed.cluster": _targetManagedCluster = props[1]; break; case "target.managed.vmfolder": _targetManagedVmFolder = props[1]; break; case "": _targetHostedDirectory = props[1]; break; case "target.hosted.networkusername": _targetHostedNetworkUsername = props[1]; break; case "target.hosted.networkpassword": _targetHostedNetworkPassword = props[1]; break; case "": _vmName = props[1]; break; case "vmtocreate.vcpu": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _vmVcpu = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); } break; case "vmtocreate.corespersocket": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _coresPerSocket = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); } break; case "vmtocreate.memory": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _vmMemory = Long.parseLong(props[1]); } break; case "helpervm.useIpv4": _useIpv4 = Boolean.parseBoolean(props[1]); break; case "helpervm.useDhcp": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _useDhcp = Boolean.parseBoolean(props[1]); if (!_useDhcp){ _staticNetworkParams = new ConverterHelperVmNetworkParamsStaticNetworkParams(); } } break; case "helpervm.useIpv6": _useIpv6 = Boolean.parseBoolean(props[1]); break; case "helpervm.ipv6ConfigType": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])){ _ipv6ConfigType = Ipv6ConfigMode.valueOf(props[1]); if(_ipv6ConfigType.toString().equals("manual")){ _staticIpv6NetworkParams=new ConverterHelperVmNetworkParamsStaticIpv6NetworkParams(); } } break; case "helpervm.staticIpv4NetworkParams.hostname": if(_useIpv4 && (!_useDhcp)){ if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])){ _staticNetworkParams.setHostname(props[1]); } } break; case "helpervm.staticIpv4NetworkParams.subnetMask": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])){ _staticNetworkParams.setSubnetMask(props[1]); } break; case "helpervm.staticIpv4NetworkParams.gateway": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])){ _staticNetworkParams.setGateway(props[1]); } break; case "helpervm.staticIpv6NetworkParams.ipAddress": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])){ _staticIpv6NetworkParams.setIpAddress(props[1]); } break; case "helpervm.staticIpv6NetworkParams.gateway": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])){ _staticIpv6NetworkParams.setGateway(props[1]); } break; case "helpervm.dnsServers.count": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { int count = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); _dnsServers = new String[count]; } break; case "": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[2])) { int id = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); if (_dnsServers != null && id < _dnsServers.length) { _dnsServers[id]=props[2]; } } break; case "helpervm.dnsSuffixes.count": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { int count = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); _dnsSuffixes = new String[count]; } break; case "": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[2])) { int id = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); if (_dnsSuffixes != null && id < _dnsServers.length) { _dnsSuffixes[id]=props[2]; } } break; case "network.preserveNicCount": _preserveNicCount = Boolean.parseBoolean(props[1]) break; case "network.preserveNicMapping": _preserveNicMapping = Boolean.parseBoolean(props[1]) break; case "network.nic.count": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { int count = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); _nicParams = new ConverterNetworkParamsManagedNicParams[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { _nicParams[i] = new ConverterNetworkParamsManagedNicParams(); } } break; case "network.Managed.nic.connected": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[2])) { int id = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); if (_nicParams != null && id < _nicParams.length) { _nicParams[id].setConnected(Boolean.parseBoolean(props[2])); } } break; case "network.Managed.nic.networkName": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[2])) { int id = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); if (_nicParams != null && id < _nicParams.length) { _nicParams[id].setNetworkName(props[2]); } } break; case "network.Managed.nic.controllerType": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[2])) { int id = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); if (_nicParams != null && id < _nicParams.length) { _nicParams[id].setNicControllerType(props[2]); } } break; case "storage.cloningmode": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _cloningMode = CloningMode.valueOf(props[1]); } break; case "storage.diskcontrollertype": _diskControllerType = props[1]; break; case "storage.optimizealignment": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _optimizeAlignment = Boolean.parseBoolean(props[1]); } break; case "storage.targetdisk.count": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { int count = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); switch (_targetType) { case Hosted: _targetDiskParams = new ConverterStorageParamsHostedTargetDiskParams[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { _targetDiskParams[i] = new ConverterStorageParamsHostedTargetDiskParams(); } break; case Managed: _targetDiskParams = new ConverterStorageParamsManagedTargetDiskParams[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { _targetDiskParams[i] = new ConverterStorageParamsManagedTargetDiskParams(); } break; default: throw new ParseException("Invalid target type", 0); } } break; case "storage.targetdisk.sourcediskid": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[2])) { int disk = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); if (_targetDiskParams != null && disk < _targetDiskParams.length) { _targetDiskParams[disk].setSourceDiskId(props[2]); } } break; case "storage.targetdisk.disktype": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[2])) { int disk = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); if (_targetDiskParams != null && disk < _targetDiskParams.length) { _targetDiskParams[disk].setDiskType(props[2]); } } break; case "storage.targetdisk.lvg": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[2])) { int disk = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); if (_targetDiskParams != null && disk < _targetDiskParams.length) { _targetDiskParams[disk].setLvg(Boolean.parseBoolean(props[2])); } } break; case "storage.targetdisk.gpt": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[2])) { int disk = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); if (_targetDiskParams != null && disk < _targetDiskParams.length) { _targetDiskParams[disk].setGpt(Boolean.parseBoolean(props[2])); } } break; case "storage.targetdisk.datastore": if (_targetType == TargetType.Managed && !Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[2])) { int disk = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); if (_targetDiskParams != null && disk < _targetDiskParams.length) { ConverterStorageParamsManagedTargetDiskParams diskParams = (ConverterStorageParamsManagedTargetDiskParams)_targetDiskParams[disk]; diskParams.setDatastoreName(props[2]); } } break; case "storage.targetdisk.volumestoclone.count": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[2])) { int disk = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); if (_targetDiskParams != null && disk < _targetDiskParams.length) { int count = Integer.parseInt(props[2]); _targetDiskParams[disk] .setVolumesToClone(new ConverterStorageParamsVolumeCloningParams[count]); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { _targetDiskParams[disk].getVolumesToClone()[i] = new ConverterStorageParamsVolumeCloningParams(); } } } break; case "storage.targetdisk.volumestoclone.sourcevolumeid": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[2])) { int disk = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); int vol = Integer.parseInt(props[2]); if (_targetDiskParams != null && disk < _targetDiskParams.length && _targetDiskParams[disk].getVolumesToClone() != null && vol < _targetDiskParams[disk].getVolumesToClone().length) { _targetDiskParams[disk].getVolumesToClone()[vol] .setSourceVolumeId(props[3]); // sourceVolumeId may contain '=' if (props.length == 5) { String volId = _targetDiskParams[disk].getVolumesToClone()[vol] .getSourceVolumeId(); _targetDiskParams[disk].getVolumesToClone()[vol] .setSourceVolumeId(volId + "=" + props[4]); } } } break; case "storage.targetdisk.volumestoclone.resize": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[3])) { int disk = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); int vol = Integer.parseInt(props[2]); if (_targetDiskParams != null && disk < _targetDiskParams.length && _targetDiskParams[disk].getVolumesToClone() != null && vol < _targetDiskParams[disk].getVolumesToClone().length) { _targetDiskParams[disk].getVolumesToClone()[vol].setResize(Boolean .parseBoolean(props[3])); } } break; case "storage.targetdisk.volumestoclone.newcapacityinbytes": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[3])) { int disk = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); int vol = Integer.parseInt(props[2]); if (_targetDiskParams != null && disk < _targetDiskParams.length && _targetDiskParams[disk].getVolumesToClone() != null && vol < _targetDiskParams[disk].getVolumesToClone().length) { _targetDiskParams[disk].getVolumesToClone()[vol] .setNewCapacityInBytes(Long.parseLong(props[3])); } } break; case "storage.targetdisk.volumestoclone.newclustersizeinbytes": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[3])) { int disk = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); int vol = Integer.parseInt(props[2]); if (_targetDiskParams != null && disk < _targetDiskParams.length && _targetDiskParams[disk].getVolumesToClone() != null && vol < _targetDiskParams[disk].getVolumesToClone().length) { _targetDiskParams[disk].getVolumesToClone()[vol] .setNewClusterSizeInBytes(Long.parseLong(props[3])); } } break; case "list.tasks": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _tasks = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); } break; case "": if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(props[1])) { _jobs = Integer.parseInt(props[1]); } break; default: throw new ParseException("Unknown property: " + props[0], 0); } } } /** * Conversion operation. The most usual Converter operation - converts a * source to a destination machine. May also install converter agent on the * source machine. * @throws InterruptedException * @throws RemoteException * @throws RuntimeFault * @throws InvalidLogin */ private void convert() throws InvalidLogin, RuntimeFault, RemoteException, InterruptedException { if (_sourceType == SourceType.Physical && _sourcePhysOsType == OsType.windowsOs && _sourcePhysAgentPort > 0) { ConverterComputerSpecLiveComputerLocation liveComputerLocation = buildLiveSourceLocation(_sourcePhysAddress, _sourcePhysUsername, _sourcePhysPassword, "", OsType.windowsOs, _sourcePhysThumbprint); _converterServer.installAgent(liveComputerLocation, _sourcePhysAgentPort, !_sourcePhysReboot); // Update source thumbprint with the one from agent install SetSourceThumbprint(Common.getThumbprint(liveComputerLocation)); } ConverterServerConversionConversionJobSpec jobSpec = buildConversionJobSpec(false); assert (jobSpec != null); ConverterServerConversionConversionJobInfo jobInfo = _converterServer.submitJob(jobSpec); if (jobInfo == null) { throw new RemoteException("Failed to submit Conversion Job."); } System.out.format("Conversion Job Id = %1$s created sucessfully." + "\r\n", jobInfo.getKey()); } /** * Reconfiguration operation. Reconfigures a virtual machine. * @throws RemoteException * @throws RuntimeFault * @throws InvalidLogin * @throws InvalidState * @throws InvalidName * @throws DuplicateName */ private void reconfig() throws DuplicateName, InvalidName, InvalidState, InvalidLogin, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { ConverterServerConversionConversionJobSpec jobSpec = buildConversionJobSpec(true); assert (jobSpec != null); ConverterServerConversionConversionJobInfo jobInfo = _converterServer.submitJob(jobSpec); if (jobInfo == null) { throw new RemoteException("Failed to submit Reconfig Job."); } System.out.format("Conversion Job Id = %1$s created sucessfully." + "\r\n", jobInfo.getKey()); } /** * Synchronization operation. Starts an incremental update of a * synchronizable job. * @throws RemoteException * @throws RuntimeFault * @throws InvalidState */ private void synchronize() throws InvalidState, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { // Reschedule or start an incremental task for a synchronizable Windows // P2V job. ConverterServerConversionConversionParamsUpdateSpec newParams = new ConverterServerConversionConversionParamsUpdateSpec(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); if (_jobSyncStart.getTime() != 0) { cal.setTime(_jobSyncStart); newParams.setSynchronizationStartTime(cal); } else { cal.setTime(new Date()); newParams.setSynchronizationStartTime(cal); } newParams.setDoFinalize(_jobSyncFinalize); ConverterConversionParams convParams = _converterServer.updateJob(_jobId, newParams); if (convParams == null) { throw new RemoteException("Failed to update Conversion Job."); } } /** * Queries the source info and dumps it to the console. * @throws RemoteException * @throws VimFault * @throws RuntimeFault */ private void querySource() throws RuntimeFault, VimFault, RemoteException { ConverterComputerSpec sourceSpec = buildSourceSpec(); assert (sourceSpec != null); ConverterComputerInfo info = _converterServer.querySource(sourceSpec); if (info == null) { throw new RemoteException("Failed to query source."); } String dump = Common.dump(info); System.out.println(dump); // Cache thumbprint SetSourceThumbprint(Common.getThumbprint(sourceSpec.getLocation())); } /** * Dumps various default cloning parameters. May fail the source against * target location validation, in which case it will not return the defaults. * @throws RemoteException * @throws RuntimeFault * @throws InvalidLogin */ private void getDefaults() throws InvalidLogin, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { ConverterComputerSpec sourceSpec = buildSourceSpec(); assert (sourceSpec != null); ConverterTargetVmSpec targetSpec = buildTargetVMSpec(); assert (targetSpec != null); ConverterDefaultConversionParamsResult result = _converterServer.validateTargetAndGetDefaults(sourceSpec, targetSpec); if (result == null) { throw new RemoteException("Failed to validate target and get defaults."); } String dump = Common.dump(result); System.out.println(dump); // Cache thumbprints SetSourceThumbprint(Common.getThumbprint(sourceSpec.getLocation())); SetTargetThumbprint(Common.getThumbprint(targetSpec.getLocation())); } /** * Dumps the last tasks and jobs to the console * @throws RemoteException * @throws RuntimeFault * @throws InvalidState */ private void list() throws InvalidState, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { String dump; if (_tasks > 0) { ConverterTaskInfo[] taskInfo = _converterServer.getTaskHistory(_tasks); if (taskInfo == null) { throw new RemoteException("Failed to get tasks history."); } dump = Common.dump(taskInfo); System.out.println(dump); } if (_jobs > 0) { ConverterServerConversionConversionJobInfo[] jobInfo = _converterServer.getJobHistory(_jobs); if (jobInfo == null) { throw new RemoteException("Failed to get jobs history."); } dump = Common.dump(jobInfo); System.out.println(dump); } } /** * Creates a computer location object for a live (powered on) source machine * Converter treats any live machine as physical though it might be a powered * on virtual machine. * @param sourceName Name or IP address of the machine * @param sourceUsername Administrative user name to log in * @param sourcePassword Password to log in or passphrase if sourcePhysKeyPath * is not empty * @param sourcePhysKeyPath Path to client private key file when key-based * authentication is used * @param osType OS type - Windows or Linux * @param sslThumbprint Optional SSL thumbprint of converter agent (for * Windows machines) * @return The location object */ private static ConverterComputerSpecLiveComputerLocation buildLiveSourceLocation(String sourceName, String sourceUsername, String sourcePassword, String sourcePhysKeyPath, OsType osType, String sslThumbprint) { ConverterComputerSpecLiveComputerLocation liveSourceLocation = new ConverterComputerSpecLiveComputerLocation(); liveSourceLocation.setHostname(sourceName); liveSourceLocation.setUsername(sourceUsername); liveSourceLocation.setPassword(sourcePassword); if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(sourcePhysKeyPath)) { try { byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(sourcePhysKeyPath)); liveSourceLocation.setClientPrivateKey(new String(bytes)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } liveSourceLocation.setOsType(osType.toString()); liveSourceLocation.setVerifyPeer(null); // Do not specify liveSourceLocation.setSslThumbprint(sslThumbprint); return liveSourceLocation; } /** * Creates a object for connection to vSphere host (ESXi or VCenter server) * @param hostname Name or IP address of the host * @param username User name to log in * @param password Password to log in * @param thumbprint Optional SSL thumbprint * @return */ private static ConverterVimConnectionSpec buildVimConnectionSpec(String hostname, String username, String password, String thumbprint) { ConverterVimConnectionSpecLoginVimCredentials vimCredentials = new ConverterVimConnectionSpecLoginVimCredentials(); vimCredentials.setPassword(password); vimCredentials.setUsername(username); ConverterVimConnectionSpec vimConnectionSpec = new ConverterVimConnectionSpec(); vimConnectionSpec.setHostname(hostname); vimConnectionSpec.setCredentials(vimCredentials); vimConnectionSpec.setVerifyPeer(null); // Do not specify vimConnectionSpec.setSslThumbprint(thumbprint); return vimConnectionSpec; } /** * Creates a spec object for conversion. This is the object with which * conversion can be started * @param reconfigOnly Whether it is a conversion or reconfig job * @return The spec object */ private ConverterServerConversionConversionJobSpec buildConversionJobSpec(boolean reconfigOnly) { ConverterServerConversionConversionJobSpec jobSpec = new ConverterServerConversionConversionJobSpec(); jobSpec.setName(reconfigOnly ? "Reconfig" : "Convert"); jobSpec.setFirstRun(null); // Do not specify jobSpec.setStartSuspended(null); // Do not specify jobSpec.setSource(buildSourceSpec()); jobSpec.setConversionParams(buildConversionParams(reconfigOnly)); jobSpec .setP2VSourceModificationSpec(new ConverterServerConversionP2VSourceModificationSpec()); // Synchronization is applicable only to Windows P2V if (_sourceType == SourceType.Physical && _sourcePhysOsType == OsType.windowsOs && _jobSync) { if (_jobSyncStart.getTime() != 0) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(_jobSyncStart); jobSpec.setSynchronizeImmediately(false); jobSpec.setSynchronizationStartTime(cal); } else { jobSpec.setSynchronizeImmediately(true); } } return jobSpec; } /** * Create a computer spec object for the source of conversion * reconfiguration, query, or getting defaults. * @return */ private ConverterComputerSpec buildSourceSpec() { ConverterComputerSpec sourceSpec = new ConverterComputerSpec(); switch (_sourceType) { case Physical: sourceSpec.setLocation(buildLiveSourceLocation(_sourcePhysAddress, _sourcePhysUsername, _sourcePhysPassword, _sourcePhysKeyPath, _sourcePhysOsType, _sourcePhysThumbprint)); break; case Managed: sourceSpec.setLocation(buildManagedSourceLocation()); break; case Hosted: sourceSpec.setLocation(buildHostedSourceLocation()); break; case HyperV: sourceSpec.setLocation(buildHypervSourceLocation()); break; default: assert false : "Invalid source type"; break; } return sourceSpec; } /** * Create an object with conversion parameters. This is the most essential * part of a conversion job. * @return */ private ConverterConversionParams buildConversionParams(boolean reconfigOnly) { ConverterConversionParams conversionParams = new ConverterConversionParams(); if (reconfigOnly) { conversionParams.setDoClone(false); } else { conversionParams.setDoClone(true); conversionParams.setCloningParams(buildCloningParams()); } conversionParams.setDoReconfig(true); // Possible addition: // Create reconfiguration parameters for changing service states conversionParams.setReconfigParams(null); // For installing VMware Tools // Applicable to Windows only; check reconfiguration capabilities conversionParams.setDoInstallTools(false); // Possible addition: // Create conversionParams.customizationParams.specification // to customize the resulting VM // Applicable to Windows only; check reconfiguration capabilities conversionParams.setDoCustomize(false); conversionParams.setCustomizationParams(null); // Possible addition: specify if needed. conversionParams.setDoUninstallAgent(null); conversionParams.setPowerOnTargetVM(null); conversionParams.setRemoveRestoreCheckpoints(null); // Applicable only to Linux P2V if (_sourceType == SourceType.Physical && _sourcePhysOsType == OsType.linuxOs) { // Possible addition: // Create helper network params to change default helper network // setting conversionParams.setHelperVmNetworkParams(buildHelperVmNetworkParams()); } // Possible addition: // Create throttling parameters to throttle the cloning conversionParams.setThrottlingParams(null); return conversionParams; } /** * Create an object with cloning parameters. Part of conversion parameters. * @return */ private ConverterCloningParams buildCloningParams() { ConverterCloningParams cloningParams = new ConverterCloningParams(); cloningParams.setTarget(buildTargetVMSpec()); cloningParams.setStorageParams(buildStorageParams()); cloningParams.setBasicHardwareParams(buildBasicHardwareParams()); // Possible addition: // Set to customize network settings cloningParams.setNetworkParams(buildNetworkParams()); // Synchronization settings are applicable only to Windows P2V if (_sourceType == SourceType.Physical && _sourcePhysOsType == OsType.windowsOs) { cloningParams.setDoSynchronize(_jobSync); if (_jobSync) { cloningParams.setDoFinalize(_jobSyncFinalize); } // Possible addition: // Set to stop services before final sync cloningParams.setServicesToSuspend(null); } return cloningParams; } /** * Create an object with hardware parameters. Part of cloning parameters. * @return */ private ConverterBasicHardwareParams buildBasicHardwareParams() { ConverterBasicHardwareParams hardwareParams = new ConverterBasicHardwareParams(); if (_vmVcpu > 0) { hardwareParams.setNumCPUs(_vmVcpu); } if (_coresPerSocket > 0) { hardwareParams.setNumCoresPerSocket(_coresPerSocket); } if (_vmMemory > 0) { hardwareParams.setMemoryMB(_vmMemory); } return hardwareParams; } /** * Create an object with storage parameters. Part of cloning parameters. * @return */ private ConverterStorageParams buildStorageParams() { ConverterStorageParams converterStorageParams = new ConverterStorageParams(); converterStorageParams.setCloningMode(_cloningMode.toString()); if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(_diskControllerType)) { converterStorageParams.setDiskControllerType(_diskControllerType); } converterStorageParams.setTargetDiskParams(_targetDiskParams); converterStorageParams.setOptimizedPartitionAlignment(_optimizeAlignment); return converterStorageParams; } /** * Create an object with Network parameters. part of cloning parameters * @return */ private ConverterNetworkParams buildNetworkParams() { ConverterNetworkParams converterNetworkParams = new ConverterNetworkParams(); converterNetworkParams.setPreserveNicCount(_preserveNicCount); converterNetworkParams.setPreserveNicMapping(_preserveNicMapping); converterNetworkParams.setNic(_nicParams); return converterNetworkParams; } /** * Create an object with HelperVM parameters. Part of cloning parameters. * @return */ private ConverterHelperVmNetworkParams buildHelperVmNetworkParams() { ConverterHelperVmNetworkParams converterHelperVmNetParams = new ConverterHelperVmNetworkParams(); converterHelperVmNetParams.setUseIpv4(_useIpv4); if(_useIpv4){ converterHelperVmNetParams.setUseDhcp(_useDhcp); } converterHelperVmNetParams.setUseIpv6(_useIpv6); if (_useIpv6){ converterHelperVmNetParams.setIpv6ConfigType(_ipv6ConfigType.toString()); } if (_useIpv4 && (!_useDhcp)){ converterHelperVmNetParams.setStaticNetworkParams(_staticNetworkParams); } else { converterHelperVmNetParams.setStaticNetworkParams(null); } if (_useIpv6 && (_ipv6ConfigType.toString().equals("manual"))) { converterHelperVmNetParams.setStaticIpv6NetworkParams(_staticIpv6NetworkParams); } else { converterHelperVmNetParams.setStaticIpv6NetworkParams(null); } if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(Arrays.toString(_dnsServers))) { converterHelperVmNetParams.setDnsServers(_dnsServers); } if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(Arrays.toString(_dnsSuffixes))) { converterHelperVmNetParams.setDnsSuffixes(_dnsSuffixes); } return converterHelperVmNetParams; } /** * Create an object specifying the destination VM. Part of cloning * parameters. * @return */ private ConverterTargetVmSpec buildTargetVMSpec() { ConverterTargetVmSpec targetVMSpec = new ConverterTargetVmSpec(); targetVMSpec.setName(_vmName); switch (_targetType) { case Managed: ConverterTargetVmSpecManagedVmLocation managedVMLocation = new ConverterTargetVmSpecManagedVmLocation(); managedVMLocation.setVimConnect(buildVimConnectionSpec(_targetManagedAddress, _targetManagedUsername, _targetManagedPassword, _targetManagedThumbprint)); if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(_targetManagedHost)) { ManagedObjectReference mor = new ManagedObjectReference(); mor.setType("HostSystem"); mor.set_value(_targetManagedHost); managedVMLocation.setHost(mor); } if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(_targetManagedResourcePool)) { ManagedObjectReference mor = new ManagedObjectReference(); mor.setType("ResourcePool"); mor.set_value(_targetManagedResourcePool); managedVMLocation.setResourcePool(mor); } if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(_targetManagedCluster)) { ManagedObjectReference mor = new ManagedObjectReference(); mor.setType("ClusterComputeResource"); mor.set_value(_targetManagedCluster); managedVMLocation.setComputeResource(mor); } if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(_targetManagedVmFolder)) { ManagedObjectReference mor = new ManagedObjectReference(); mor.setType("Folder"); mor.set_value(_targetManagedVmFolder); managedVMLocation.setVmFolder(mor); } targetVMSpec.setLocation(managedVMLocation); // Possible addition: // Set for using a specific hardware version targetVMSpec.setHardwareVersion(null); // Use target default break; case Hosted: ConverterTargetVmSpecHostedVmLocation hostedVMLocation = new ConverterTargetVmSpecHostedVmLocation(); hostedVMLocation.setDirectory(_targetHostedDirectory); if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(_targetHostedNetworkUsername)) { hostedVMLocation.setNetworkUsername(_targetHostedNetworkUsername); } if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(_targetHostedNetworkPassword)) { hostedVMLocation.setNetworkPassword(_targetHostedNetworkPassword); } targetVMSpec.setLocation(hostedVMLocation); // Change for other product versions. // Currently supported: // workstation10x, workstation11x, // player6x, player7x, // fusion6x, fusion7x targetVMSpec.setProductVersion("workstation11x"); break; default: assert false : "Invalid target type"; break; } return targetVMSpec; } /** * Create an object specifying a powered off managed VMware (ESX or vCenter * server) virtual source machine. * @return */ private ConverterComputerSpecManagedVmLocation buildManagedSourceLocation() { ConverterComputerSpecManagedVmLocation managedVmLocation = new ConverterComputerSpecManagedVmLocation(); managedVmLocation.setVimConnect(buildVimConnectionSpec(_sourceManagedAddress, _sourceManagedUsername, _sourceManagedPassword, _sourceManagedThumbprint)); ManagedObjectReference morVm = new ManagedObjectReference(); morVm.setType("VirtualMachine"); morVm.set_value(_sourceManagedVm); managedVmLocation.setVm(morVm); return managedVmLocation; } /** * Create an object specifying a hosted source machine. It can be one of: * powered off hosted VMware (Workstation, Player, Fusion) virtual source * machine; VMware backup; third party image * @return */ private ConverterComputerSpecHostedVmLocation buildHostedSourceLocation() { ConverterComputerSpecHostedVmLocation hostedVmLocation = null; if (_sourceHostedType.equals("vmwareVM")) { // VNware hosted VM hostedVmLocation = new ConverterComputerSpecVMwareHostedVmLocation(); } else { // Third party image or VMware backup hostedVmLocation = new ConverterComputerSpecHostedVmLocation(); } hostedVmLocation.setType(_sourceHostedType); hostedVmLocation.setConfigFilePath(_sourceHostedConfigFilePath); if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(_sourceHostedPassword)) { hostedVmLocation.setPassword(_sourceHostedPassword); } if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(_sourceHostedNetworkUsername)) { hostedVmLocation.setNetworkUsername(_sourceHostedNetworkUsername); } if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(_sourceHostedNetworkPassword)) { hostedVmLocation.setNetworkPassword(_sourceHostedNetworkPassword); } return hostedVmLocation; } /** * Create an object specifying a powered off Hyper-V virtual source machine. * @return */ private ConverterComputerSpecHyperVComputerLocation buildHypervSourceLocation() { ConverterComputerSpecHyperVComputerLocation hyperVLocation = new ConverterComputerSpecHyperVComputerLocation(); hyperVLocation.setHostname(_sourceHypervHostname); if (_sourceHypervPort > 0) { hyperVLocation.setPort(_sourceHypervPort); } if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(_sourceHypervUsername)) { hyperVLocation.setUsername(_sourceHypervUsername); } if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(_sourceHypervPassword)) { hyperVLocation.setPassword(_sourceHypervPassword); } if (!Common.isNullOrEmpty(_sourceHypervVmName)) { hyperVLocation.setVmName(_sourceHypervVmName); } hyperVLocation.setVmGUID(_sourceHypervVmGuid); hyperVLocation.setVerifyPeer(null); // Do not specify hyperVLocation.setSslThumbprint(_sourceHypervThumbprint); return hyperVLocation; } /** * Cache the source machine SSL thumbprint * @param thumbprint */ private void SetSourceThumbprint(String thumbprint) { // Cache thumbprint from source switch (_sourceType) { case Physical: _sourcePhysThumbprint = thumbprint; break; case Managed: _sourceManagedThumbprint = thumbprint; break; case HyperV: _sourceHypervThumbprint = thumbprint; break; default: // Nothing to cache for hosted } } /** * Cache the destination host SSL thumbprint * @param thumbprint */ private void SetTargetThumbprint(String thumbprint) { // Cache thumbprint from destination. switch (_targetType) { case Managed: _targetManagedThumbprint = thumbprint; break; default: // Nothing to cache for hosted } } }