2012-01-06 04:47:09,568 | 32 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - A lock is requested for VcConfigEntry with id: 2b6f5949-279d-466a-b536-3564d2fe31cf 2012-01-06 04:47:09,958 | 32 | FATAL | CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VcUtil - VC connection exception. Will try to reconnect. VMware.Sim.CommonLib.Exception.SimVcConnectionException: Error in the application. at VMware.Sim.CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VcSubsystem25.RetrieveProperties(PropertyFilterSpec[] specs) at VMware.Sim.CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VcSubsystem25.VcMethod`1.Invoke() at VMware.Sim.CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VcSubsystem25.VcExceptionHandler`1.Invoke(), Machine Name: VCENTER26-27, Timestamp: 1/6/2012 12:47:09 PM, App Domain Name: SviWebService.exe, Thread Identity: , Windows Identity: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1, detail information: VC session timed-out during RetrieveProperties call, Configuration ID: 2b6f5949-279d-466a-b536-3564d2fe31cf 2012-01-06 04:47:09,958 | 32 | INFO | CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VimClientConnection - Unable either to logout from url: with username: 15142696868ana or to dispose the connection. System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The session is not authenticated. at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) at VimApi.InternalVimService.Logout(ManagedObjectReference _this) at VMware.Sim.CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VimClientConnection.Disconnect() 2012-01-06 04:47:09,958 | 32 | INFO | CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VcSubsystem25 - Unable to free up the vc connection. System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The session is not authenticated. at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) at VimApi.InternalVimService.Logout(ManagedObjectReference _this) at VMware.Sim.CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VimClientConnection.Disconnect() at VMware.Sim.CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VcSubsystem25.Disconnect() 2012-01-06 04:47:09,958 | 32 | INFO | CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VcSubsystem25 - Reconnect called to create a new connection to VC and user USERABC. 2012-01-06 04:47:10,020 | 32 | INFO | CommonLib.VcSubsystem.VcSubsystem25 - Successfuly connected to the VC server at: with user: USERABC 2012-01-06 04:47:10,098 | 32 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - A release is requested for VcConfigEntry with id: 2b6f5949-279d-466a-b536-3564d2fe31cf 2012-01-06 04:47:35,402 | 32 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - A lock is requested for DeploymentGroup with id: b4475404-a984-455c-8059-aaf3f1da1589 2012-01-06 04:47:35,449 | 32 | INFO | Sim.ServiceCore.SimServiceApiImpl - CreateSviClones was called for deployment group b4475404-a984-455c-8059-aaf3f1da1589, for 1 clones. 2012-01-06 04:47:35,449 | 32 | INFO | Sim.ServiceCore.SimServiceApiImpl - Received a request to create 1 clones for deployment group b4475404-a984-455c-8059-aaf3f1da1589. Filed as request id f6c3c9c7-1660-4be5-9897-5a6976d45e54 2012-01-06 04:47:35,464 | 32 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - A lock is requested for AdConfigEntry with id: 74db67d2-0bd8-43f7-973e-8ef76ffe2916 2012-01-06 04:47:35,464 | 32 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - A lock is requested for VcConfigEntry with id: 2b6f5949-279d-466a-b536-3564d2fe31cf 2012-01-06 04:47:35,464 | 32 | INFO | ServiceCore.WorkflowEngine.CreateSimClonesTask - CreateSimClonesTask - got a request to create 1 clones in deployment group b4475404-a984-455c-8059-aaf3f1da1589. 2012-01-06 04:47:35,464 | 32 | INFO | ServiceCore.WorkflowEngine.TaskUtil - The flags associated with deployment group: b4475404-a984-455c-8059-aaf3f1da1589 are: checkpoint enabled: TrueVC api level: VC40 2012-01-06 04:47:35,620 | 32 | INFO | ServiceCore.Action.UfaInitializeDiskAction - Created an UfaInitializeDiskAction with total disks 3. 2012-01-06 04:47:35,620 | 32 | INFO | ServiceCore.WorkflowEngine.CreateSimClonesTask - CreateSimClonesTask: constructed task no. 0 for requestId=f6c3c9c7-1660-4be5-9897-5a6976d45e54. 2012-01-06 04:47:35,620 | 32 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - Multiple lock are required for SimClone with ids: 7fdb1e6e-d0a2-4438-93a4-f052f0eca6f2 2012-01-06 04:47:35,714 | WFE thread 14 | INFO | CommonLib.VcSubsystem.PropertyCollectorUpdateTracker - Property collector now monitoring 1 tasks. 2012-01-06 04:58:45,321 | VC thread | INFO | ServiceCore.Action.CreateCloneActionEx - Clone created with VM MoId: vm-317 2012-01-06 04:58:47,755 | VC thread | INFO | ServiceCore.Action.CreateSnapshotAction - Snapshot created with VM MoId: snapshot-318 2012-01-06 04:58:54,322 | VC thread | INFO | ServiceCore.Action.CreateCloneActionEx - Clone created with VM MoId: vm-319 2012-01-06 04:58:54,556 | WFE thread 1 | FATAL | ServiceCore.Action.AddToAdDomainAction - Error: fail to execute AddToAdDomainAction,guest:windows7demo1, AD config Id:74db67d2-0bd8-43f7-973e-8ef76ffe2916. AD FQDN: porsuk.anadolu.edu.tr VMware.Sim.CommonLib.Exception.SimAdsException: A constraint violation occurred. ---> System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException (0x8007202F): A constraint violation occurred. at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.CommitChanges() at VMware.Sim.ServiceCore.ActiveDirectory.AdUtil.TryAddAccount(DirectoryEntry containerEntry, String name, String fqdn, String description, DirectoryEntry& newMember) at VMware.Sim.ServiceCore.ActiveDirectory.AdUtil.<>c__DisplayClass8.b__4() at VMware.Sim.ServiceCore.ActiveDirectory.AdUtil.RunWithRetry(AdOperationDelegate operation, ExceptionHandlingDelegate exHandling) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at VMware.Sim.ServiceCore.ActiveDirectory.AdUtil.ProcessAdComException(COMException comException, AdConfigEntryDo adConfigDo, String containerDn, String computerAccountName, Int32 numOfRetries) at VMware.Sim.ServiceCore.ActiveDirectory.AdUtil.<>c__DisplayClass8.b__5(Exception ex, Int32 numOfRetries) at VMware.Sim.ServiceCore.ActiveDirectory.AdUtil.RunWithRetry(AdOperationDelegate operation, ExceptionHandlingDelegate exHandling) at VMware.Sim.ServiceCore.ActiveDirectory.AdUtil.AddAccount(AdConfigEntryDo adConfigDo, String containerDn, String name, String password, String description) at VMware.Sim.ServiceCore.Action.AddToAdDomainAction.Execute(ActionInParam actionParams), Machine Name: VCENTER26-27, Timestamp: 1/6/2012 12:58:54 PM, App Domain Name: SviWebService.exe, Thread Identity: , Windows Identity: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1, Reason: AdsComError, AdConfigId: 74db67d2-0bd8-43f7-973e-8ef76ffe2916, ContainerDN: OU=Hesaplar - Akademik Personel, ComputerAccountName: windows7demo1, Fqdn: porsuk.anadolu.edu.tr, UserName: 15142696868ana 2012-01-06 04:58:54,556 | WFE thread 5 | INFO | ServiceCore.WorkflowEngine.CreateSingleCloneTask - Action VMware.Sim.ServiceCore.Action.AddToAdDomainAction failed. Task 02430c5b-db70-4a28-b05a-29ef37213913 finished in Failed state. 2012-01-06 04:59:00,843 | WFE thread 12 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - Multiple releases are reuiqred for SimClone with ids: 7fdb1e6e-d0a2-4438-93a4-f052f0eca6f2 2012-01-06 04:59:00,843 | WFE thread 12 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - A release is requested for DeploymentGroup with id: b4475404-a984-455c-8059-aaf3f1da1589 2012-01-06 04:59:00,843 | WFE thread 12 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - A release is requested for AdConfigEntry with id: 74db67d2-0bd8-43f7-973e-8ef76ffe2916 2012-01-06 04:59:00,843 | WFE thread 12 | INFO | ServiceCore.LockManager.LockManager - A release is requested for VcConfigEntry with id: 2b6f5949-279d-466a-b536-3564d2fe31cf