vmware Site Recovery Manager
Demo Recovery Plan
Start Time: 01/06/2009 15:09:53
Finish Time: 01/06/2009 15:10:25
Total Execution Time: 00:00:32
Mode: Test
Overall Result: Error

Recovery Step Result Execution Time
1. Shutdown Protected Virtual Machines at Protected Site "Production Site (prodvcms.ms.moorestephens.net)"
    1.1. Shutdown Low Priority Protected Virtual Machines
    1.2. Shutdown Normal Priority Protected Virtual Machines
    1.3. Shutdown High Priority Protected Virtual Machines
        1.3.1. Shutdown Protected Site VM "srmtestvm"
   Shutdown Guest OS for Remote VM "srmtestvm"
   Wait for Guest OS Shutdown
   Power off VM "srmtestvm"
2. Prepare Storage Error: Non-fatal error information reported during execution of array integration script: Failed to create lun snapshots. 00:00:31
    2.1. Attach Disks for Protection Group "Protection Group - Test" Error: Non-fatal error information reported during execution of array integration script: Failed to create lun snapshots. 00:00:30
3. Suspend Non-critical Virtual Machines Success 00:00:00
4. Recover High Priority Virtual Machines
    4.1. Recover VM "srmtestvm"
        4.1.1. Change Network Settings
        4.1.2. Pre-Power On
        4.1.3. Power On
        4.1.4. Wait for OS Heartbeat
        4.1.5. Post Power On
5. Recover Normal Priority Virtual Machines
6. Recover Low Priority Virtual Machines
7. Recover No Power On Virtual Machines
8. Message: Test recovery complete. Please verify the success of the test. When done, click Continue to clean up the test and return to a ready state.
9. Cleanup Virtual Machines Post Test Success 00:00:00
    9.1. Remove Test VM "srmtestvm" Success 00:00:00
        9.1.1. PowerOff VM "srmtestvm" Success 00:00:00
10. Resume Non-critical Virtual Machines Success 00:00:00
11. Reset Storage Post Test Success 00:00:00
    11.1. Reset Disks for Protection Group "Protection Group - Test" Success 00:00:00