VMware Cloud Community

SCSILinuxAbortCommands:1890: Failed, Driver fnic, for vmhba1

I have got a log insight error, regarding a FNIC adapter. Can anyone help me analyse this?

2019-10-18T04:44:33.543Z cpu53:10684645)VSCSI: 6784: handle 10314(vscsi1:0):Destroying Device for world 10684646 (pendCom 0)

2019-10-18T04:44:33.543Z cpu53:10684645)VSCSI: 6784: handle 10315(vscsi1:1):Destroying Device for world 10684646 (pendCom 0)

2019-10-18T04:44:33.543Z cpu53:10684645)VSCSI: 6784: handle 10316(vscsi1:2):Destroying Device for world 10684646 (pendCom 0)

2019-10-18T04:44:33.544Z cpu53:10684645)VSCSI: 6784: handle 10313(vscsi0:0):Destroying Device for world 10684646 (pendCom 2)

2019-10-18T04:44:33.544Z cpu53:10684645)WARNING: VSCSI: vm 10684646: 6788: closing handle 10313 with 2 pending cmds, 1 ref count

2019-10-18T04:44:33.544Z cpu46:33188)<7>fnic : 1 :: Abort Cmd called Cmd=0x0x43b658fc3dc0 CmdSn=0xb667ab9b FCID 0x10700, LUN 0x3 TAG 33a Op=0x2a flags 3

2019-10-18T04:44:33.544Z cpu46:33188)<6>fnic : 1 :: CBD Opcode: 2a Abort issued time: 0 msec

2019-10-18T04:44:33.544Z cpu51:12360376)<6>fnic : 1 :: icmnd_cmpl abts pending hdr status = FCPIO_SUCCESS tag = 0x33a sc = 0x0x43b65406eac0 scsi_status = 0 residual = 0

2019-10-18T04:44:33.548Z cpu51:11201106)<6>fnic : 1 :: abort reject recd. id 826

2019-10-18T04:44:33.548Z cpu51:11201106)<7>fnic : 1 :: abts cmpl recd. id 826 status FCPIO_ITMF_REJECTED

2019-10-18T04:44:33.548Z cpu46:33188)<7>fnic : 1 :: Returning from abort cmd type 2 FAILED

2019-10-18T04:44:33.548Z cpu46:33188)WARNING: LinScsi: SCSILinuxAbortCommands:1890: Failed, Driver fnic, for vmhba1

2019-10-18T04:44:33.548Z cpu46:33188)WARNING: Cow: 1707: Failed to reset level 2, fid 1936792877

2019-10-18T04:44:33.548Z cpu46:33188)<7>fnic : 1 :: Abort Cmd called Cmd=0x0x43b658fc3dc0 CmdSn=0xb667ab9b FCID 0x10700, LUN 0x3 TAG 33a Op=0x2a flags 257

2019-10-18T04:44:33.548Z cpu46:33188)<6>fnic : 1 :: CBD Opcode: 2a Abort issued time: 10 msec

2019-10-18T04:44:33.548Z cpu51:11201106)<7>fnic : 1 :: abts cmpl recd. id 826 status FCPIO_IO_NOT_FOUND

2019-10-18T04:44:33.548Z cpu46:33188)<7>fnic : 1 :: Returning from abort cmd type 2 SUCCESS

2019-10-18T04:44:33.549Z cpu33:12144041)NMP: nmp_ThrottleLogForDevice:3302: Cmd 0x2a (0x43b658fc3dc0, 10684646) to dev "naa.514f0c539f600006" on path "vmhba1:C0:T1:L3" Failed: H:0x8 D:0x0 P:0x0 Possible sense data: 0x0 0x0 0x0. Act:EVAL

2019-10-18T04:44:33.549Z cpu33:12144041)WARNING: NMP: nmp_DeviceRequestFastDeviceProbe:237: NMP device "naa.514f0c539f600006" state in doubt; requested fast path state update...

2019-10-18T04:44:33.549Z cpu33:12144041)ScsiDeviceIO: 2595: Cmd(0x43b658fc3dc0) 0x2a, SI: 6784: handle 10313(vscsi0:0):Destroying Device for world 10684646 (pendCom 2)

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