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VMware Workstation doesn't recognize keyboard release event in VM

Sometimes I accidentally hit two neighbour keys at the same time on the keyboard.

When I do this in a VM, the Windows WM_KEYUP window message doesn't seem to be getting forwarded to the VM correctly. One the two keys will no be recognized as being released, resulting in input similar to this:

Tiooooooooooooooooooooooo ...

Any suggestions?

I remember there was a dialog popping up in older VMware Workstation releases, telling me that it's going to update some keyboard timeout option so the keyboard handling would be improved. Does this ring a bell? I haven't seen this dialog popping up for a long time now.

[VMware]: Workstation 17 Pro; --
[host]: Windows 10x64 host; --
[guests]: Windows 10x64, Windows 8x64.
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