VMware Cloud Community

Changing VIO Name Post Deployment

I have asked this question before and no one can provide an answer to this simple problem.

I have attempted to change it by doing the following but after running viocli deployment configure the hostname reverts to what it was previously

For VMware Integrated Openstack 3.0, perform these steps:


  • The only thing you must update is public_hostname in OMS and run viocli deployment configure.
  • PUBLIC_VIP should be replaced with actual public vip used in the deployment
  • PUBLIC_HOSTNAME should be replaced with the desired hostname
  1. Log in to management server, switch to root user, and run this command:

    /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -U omsdb

  2. Run viocli deployment configure.

    Note: This will incur some downtime.

Has anyone completed this successfully on VIO 3.5 as the guide above is for 3.0 and we are not sure if there are additional steps involved.


Regards Ben McGuire
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