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$null when using ESXCLI -v2

I'm trying to leave a parameter unchanged when using esxcli v2 when I was using esxcli v1 I would just specify $null and that worked but with V2 It seem I have tp specify true or false and the issue with that I would get an error on the console.

Basically I want to disabled the ESX firewall.

With ESXCLI v1 it was easy $esxcli.network.firewall.set($null,$false)

With V2 I get this

$esxcli2.network.firewall.set.Invoke(@{defaultaction = $null; enabled = 'true'})

Message: A specified parameter was not correct: argument[0];


$esxcli2.network.firewall.set.Invoke(@{defaultaction = $false; enabled = $true})

Message: Default action already DROP;

InnerText: Default action already DROPEsxCLI.CLIFault.summary

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Think I figured it out, I need to use CreatArgs() like this


$arguments = $esxcli2.network.firewall.set.CreateArgs()

$arguments.enabled = $false


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I suspect it might be a bit more complicated then that.
And I suspect there might be an "issue" with what CreateArgs returns.

My observations:

  • you can't use enabled and defaultaction in the same Invoke(). That's where I find the output from CreateArgs() at least confusing.
  • you can only use defaultaction to change the current value. It will error out when that value is already set
  • the enabled parameter can be used in any case, even if the requested value is already set

In the following script, I test the current defaultaction value before changing it.

This seems to work in all cases.

$esxcli = Get-EsxCli -VMHost MyEsx -V2

$p = $esxcli.network.firewall.set.CreateArgs()

# FW enabled

$p.Item('enabled') = $true

$esxcli.network.firewall.set.Invoke($p) > $null


# Default is DROP

$p = $esxcli.network.firewall.set.CreateArgs()

if(($esxcli.network.firewall.get.Invoke()).DefaultAction -eq 'PASS'){

    $p = $esxcli.network.firewall.set.CreateArgs()

    $p.Item('defaultaction') = $false


    $esxcli.network.firewall.set.Invoke($p) > $null



# Default is PASS

$p = $esxcli.network.firewall.set.CreateArgs()

if(($esxcli.network.firewall.get.Invoke()).DefaultAction -eq 'DROP'){

    $p = $esxcli.network.firewall.set.CreateArgs()

    $p.Item('defaultaction') = $true


    $esxcli.network.firewall.set.Invoke($p) > $null



# FW disabled

$p = $esxcli.network.firewall.set.CreateArgs()

$p.Item('enabled') = $false

$esxcli.network.firewall.set.Invoke($p) > $null


# Default is DROP

$p = $esxcli.network.firewall.set.CreateArgs()

if(($esxcli.network.firewall.get.Invoke()).DefaultAction -eq 'PASS'){

    $p = $esxcli.network.firewall.set.CreateArgs()

    $p.Item('defaultaction') = $false


    $esxcli.network.firewall.set.Invoke($p) > $null



# Default is PASS

$p = $esxcli.network.firewall.set.CreateArgs()

if(($esxcli.network.firewall.get.Invoke()).DefaultAction -eq 'DROP'){

    $p = $esxcli.network.firewall.set.CreateArgs()

    $p.Item('defaultaction') = $true


    $esxcli.network.firewall.set.Invoke($p) > $null



Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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