VMware Cloud Community

VMware Converter Standalone SDK | Exception calling "ConverterRetrieveServiceContent" with "1" argument(s): "There is an error in XML document (7, 65)."


I have added  both the dll  generated from the SDK with strong name into GAC and now developing a code in powershell from the same.

I am getting below error while running the code :

Exception calling "ConverterRetrieveServiceContent" with "1" argument(s): "There is an error in XML document (7, 65)."

At D:\vmware\DotNet\vConverterAutomation2.ps1:33 char:5

+     $converterServerContent = $converterService.ConverterRetrieveServ ...

+     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidOperationException

Can anyone help me understand the error and suggest me some workaround for the same?

#Please find the below  Powershell code  and logs for reference :

#############################################################################################################################################################PowerShell Code







Connect to a converter server


<param name="serverUrl">Server URL</param>

<param name="username">User name to log in</param>

<param name="password">Passsword to log in</param>


Function Connect





    [string] $serverUrl,


    [string] $username,


    [string] $password


    $morServiceInstance = New-Object ConverterApi.ManagedObjectReference

    $morServiceInstance.type = "ConverterServiceInstance"

    $morServiceInstance.Value = "ServiceInstance"

    $converterService = New-Object ConverterApi.ConverterService

    $converterService.Url = $serverUrl

    $converterService.CookieContainer = New-Object System.Net.CookieContainer


    $converterServerContent = New-Object ConverterApi.ServiceContent

    $converterServerContent = $converterService.ConverterRetrieveServiceContent($morServiceInstance)

    [ConverterApi.ConverterUserSession] $userSession = $converterService.ConverterLogin($converterServerContent.sessionManager,

                                                         $username, $password, $null)


Function Ignore-SSLCertificates


    $Provider = New-Object Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider

    $Compiler = $Provider.CreateCompiler()

    $Params = New-Object System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters

    $Params.GenerateExecutable = $false

    $Params.GenerateInMemory = $true

    $Params.IncludeDebugInformation = $false

    $Params.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.DLL") > $null


        namespace Local.ToolkitExtensions.Net.CertificatePolicy


            public class TrustAll : System.Net.ICertificatePolicy


                public bool CheckValidationResult(System.Net.ServicePoint sp,System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate cert, System.Net.WebRequest req, int problem)


                    return true;







    ## We create an instance of TrustAll and attach it to the ServicePointManager

    $TrustAll = $TAAssembly.CreateInstance("Local.ToolkitExtensions.Net.CertificatePolicy.TrustAll")

    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = $TrustAll


$serverUrl = ""

$username = "domain\user"

$password = "afd2@fgfj"

Connect -serverUrl $serverUrl -username $username -password $password



Section for VMware vCenter Converter Standalone, pid=2788, version=5.5.3, build=2183569, option=Release

2017-07-09T01:33:27.655+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] Logging uses fast path: true

2017-07-09T01:33:27.655+05:30 [05308 info 'Libs'] VThreadBase detected multiple threads.

2017-07-09T01:33:27.655+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] Handling bora/lib logs with VmaCore facilities

2017-07-09T01:33:27.655+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] Initialized channel manager

2017-07-09T01:33:27.655+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] Current working directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone

2017-07-09T01:33:27.655+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] ThreadPool windowsStackImmediateCommit = true

2017-07-09T01:33:27.656+05:30 [05932 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2017-07-09T01:33:27.656+05:30 [05308 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread pool on asio: Min Io, Max Io, Min Task, Max Task, Max Concurency: 1, 121, 2, 60, 2147483647

2017-07-09T01:33:27.656+05:30 [05308 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2017-07-09T01:33:27.656+05:30 [03164 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2017-07-09T01:33:27.656+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] Trying converter_server

2017-07-09T01:33:27.656+05:30 [03912 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2017-07-09T01:33:27.688+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] Trying ufa_agent

2017-07-09T01:33:27.690+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] [shutdownMgr,25] Ufa shutdown manager registered.

2017-07-09T01:33:27.691+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] [helper,454] Initializing SSL Contexts

2017-07-09T01:33:27.711+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] Vmacore::InitSSL: handshakeTimeoutUs = 20000000

2017-07-09T01:33:27.713+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] [helper,507] Initializing certificates

2017-07-09T01:33:27.714+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] [task,2069] [LRO] 32 max LROs

2017-07-09T01:33:27.714+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] [task,2071] [LRO] 6 reserved internal LROs

2017-07-09T01:33:27.714+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] [task,2073] [LRO] 6 reserved short LROs

2017-07-09T01:33:27.714+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] [task,2075] [LRO] 12 reserved long LROs

2017-07-09T01:33:27.714+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] [task,2087] [LRO] 86400-second task lifetime

2017-07-09T01:33:27.759+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resmap (013a3178) extKeys (00000000) (

2017-07-09T01:33:27.761+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'hi_IN' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\iso2win.vlcl', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:27.761+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'az_AZ' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\iso2win.vlcl', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:27.762+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'sr_SP' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\iso2win.vlcl', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:27.762+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'az_AZ' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\isodata.vlcl', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:27.763+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'sr_SP' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\isodata.vlcl', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:27.763+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'uz_UZ' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\isodata.vlcl', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:27.766+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] Added locale path C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\ to locale map

2017-07-09T01:33:27.766+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (de) removeable (false) resmap (013b44c8) extKeys (00000000) (

2017-07-09T01:33:27.766+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resmap (013a3178) extKeys (00000000) (

2017-07-09T01:33:27.766+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (fr) removeable (false) resmap (013b4518) extKeys (00000000) (

2017-07-09T01:33:27.767+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (ja) removeable (false) resmap (013b4568) extKeys (00000000) (

2017-07-09T01:33:27.767+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (zh_CN) removeable (false) resmap (013b45b8) extKeys (00000000) (

2017-07-09T01:33:27.767+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] Added locale path C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\ to locale map

2017-07-09T01:33:27.767+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (de) removeable (false) resmap (013b44c8) extKeys (00000000) (

2017-07-09T01:33:27.769+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resmap (013a3178) extKeys (00000000) (

2017-07-09T01:33:27.769+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (fr) removeable (false) resmap (013b4518) extKeys (00000000) (

2017-07-09T01:33:27.772+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (ja) removeable (false) resmap (013b4568) extKeys (00000000) (

2017-07-09T01:33:27.775+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] Delay loading resources: path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (zh_CN) removeable (false) resmap (013b45b8) extKeys (00000000) (

2017-07-09T01:33:27.775+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] Added locale path C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\ to locale map

2017-07-09T01:33:27.776+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] Locale subsystem initialized from C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\ with default locale en.

2017-07-09T01:33:27.777+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] LoadResources path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\locale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resMap (013a3178) extKeys (00000000)

2017-07-09T01:33:27.793+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] LoadResources path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\coreLocale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resMap (013a3178) extKeys (00000000)

2017-07-09T01:33:27.794+05:30 [05308 info 'Locale'] LoadResources path (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\) locale (en) removeable (false) resMap (013a3178) extKeys (00000000)

2017-07-09T01:33:27.813+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'LicenseManager.LicenseInfo.vaai.label' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/default.vmsg', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:27.813+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'LicenseManager.LicenseInfo.vaai.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/default.vmsg', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:27.828+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'com.vmware.vim.license.Feature.vaai.label' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:27.828+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'com.vmware.vim.license.Feature.vaai.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:27.832+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOWNative.label' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:27.832+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOWNative.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:27.832+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOW32.label' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:27.832+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOW32.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:27.832+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOW64.label' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:27.832+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.guest.WindowsRegistryManager.RegistryKeyName.RegistryKeyWowBitness.WOW64.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:27.833+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.GuestInfo.AppStateType.none.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:27.833+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Duplicate key 'vm.GuestInfo.AppStateType.none.summary' in file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/enum.vmsg', only first one is used

2017-07-09T01:33:28.108+05:30 [05308 warning 'Locale'] Key 'Internal.Tasks.SingleSpacedList' in module 'task' under 'C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\vimLocale\en/' was previously defined; ignored

2017-07-09T01:33:28.145+05:30 [05308 info 'Libs'] [ADS] Local Domain : WORKGROUP

2017-07-09T01:33:28.145+05:30 [05308 info 'Libs'] [ADS] IsWorkgroup: Yes

2017-07-09T01:33:28.145+05:30 [05308 info 'Libs'] [ADS] Local Machine: appellate

2017-07-09T01:33:28.577+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] BaseScheduler initialization complete -- void __thiscall Converter::Server::Scheduler::BaseScheduler::Initialize(const class boost::shared_ptr<class Converter::Server::Scheduler::SchedulerEnv>,const class boost::optional<class Converter::Server::Scheduler::SchedulerConstraints const &> &,const class boost::optional<class Converter::VdbConnection &> &) ("d:/build/ob/bora-2183569/bora/sysimage/ufad/server/scheduler/baseScheduler.cpp:112")

2017-07-09T01:33:28.578+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] Loaded all items from the scheduler's database tables. -- void __thiscall Converter::Server::Scheduler::BaseScheduler::LoadSchedulerItemIdMap(void) ("d:/build/ob/bora-2183569/bora/sysimage/ufad/server/scheduler/baseScheduler.cpp:70")

2017-07-09T01:33:28.578+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] Loaded all items from scheduler's database tables.Scheduler's item map contains 0 items. -- void __thiscall Converter::Server::Scheduler::PriorityQScheduler::LoadPriorityQ(void) ("d:/build/ob/bora-2183569/bora/sysimage/ufad/server/scheduler/priorityQScheduler.cpp:185")

2017-07-09T01:33:28.580+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] [plugin,158] ServerPlugin Init

2017-07-09T01:33:28.581+05:30 [05308 info 'Ufa'] Initializing SSL context

2017-07-09T01:33:28.582+05:30 [05308 info 'Ufa'] Mime type: properties = text/plain

2017-07-09T01:33:28.582+05:30 [05308 info 'Ufa'] Mime type: js = text/javascript

2017-07-09T01:33:28.582+05:30 [05308 info 'Ufa'] Mime type: css = text/css

2017-07-09T01:33:28.582+05:30 [05308 info 'Ufa'] Micro web server pipeName: \\.\pipe\vmware-converter-web

2017-07-09T01:33:28.582+05:30 [05308 info 'HttpSvc.HTTPService'] Setting buffer size to 32768

2017-07-09T01:33:28.582+05:30 [05308 info 'HttpSvc.HTTPService'] Using default for nonChunkingAgents: 'VMware VI Client|VMware-client|VMware-client/3.*'

2017-07-09T01:33:28.582+05:30 [05308 info 'HttpSvc.HTTPService'] Using default for agentsNeedingContentLength: 'VMware-client'

2017-07-09T01:33:28.582+05:30 [05308 info 'HttpSvc.HTTPService'] Max buffered response size is 104857600 bytes

2017-07-09T01:33:28.583+05:30 [05308 info 'HTTP server'] HTTP server created with docroots C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\docRoot, chunked responses enabled: true

2017-07-09T01:33:28.583+05:30 [05308 info 'Ufa'] Micro web server created

2017-07-09T01:33:28.583+05:30 [05308 info 'Ufa'] Plugin initialized

2017-07-09T01:33:28.885+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] [plugin,188] ServerPlugin Start

2017-07-09T01:33:28.885+05:30 [05308 info 'ProxySvc'] Proxy service created: http port (80), https port (443)

2017-07-09T01:33:28.889+05:30 [05308 info 'ProxySvc-80'] Max proxy connections currently set to 0 (unlimited), buffer size: 16344 bytes

2017-07-09T01:33:28.889+05:30 [05308 info 'ProxySvc'] Created endpoint 80

2017-07-09T01:33:28.889+05:30 [05308 info 'ProxySvc-443'] Max proxy connections currently set to 0 (unlimited), buffer size: 16344 bytes

2017-07-09T01:33:28.889+05:30 [05308 info 'ProxySvc-443'] vmacore/ssl/useSSLCtxPool: true

2017-07-09T01:33:28.892+05:30 [05308 info 'ProxySvc'] Created endpoint 443

2017-07-09T01:33:28.892+05:30 [05308 info 'ProxySvc'] Proxy service initialized

2017-07-09T01:33:28.892+05:30 [05308 info 'ProxySvc-80'] Proxy: Starting new Proxy service

2017-07-09T01:33:28.893+05:30 [05308 info 'ProxySvc-443'] Proxy: Starting new Proxy service

2017-07-09T01:33:28.893+05:30 [05308 info 'Ufa'] SOAP pipe name: \\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap

2017-07-09T01:33:28.893+05:30 [05308 info 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Setting buffer size to 32768

2017-07-09T01:33:28.893+05:30 [05308 info 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Using default for nonChunkingAgents: 'VMware VI Client|VMware-client|VMware-client/3.*'

2017-07-09T01:33:28.893+05:30 [05308 info 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Using default for agentsNeedingContentLength: 'VMware-client'

2017-07-09T01:33:28.893+05:30 [05308 info 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Max buffered response size is 104857600 bytes

2017-07-09T01:33:28.893+05:30 [05308 info 'Ufa'] enableChunkedResponses: true

2017-07-09T01:33:28.894+05:30 [05308 info 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Http Service started: <server p:0x012e0708, '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>

2017-07-09T01:33:28.894+05:30 [05308 info 'Ufa'] Soap (over Named Pipe) started on pipe \\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap. enableRemoteAccess = false, nonRootAccess = true, useSSL = false

2017-07-09T01:33:28.895+05:30 [05308 info 'HttpSvc.HTTPService'] Http Service started: <server p:0x012e0408, '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-web'>

2017-07-09T01:33:28.895+05:30 [05308 info 'Ufa'] Web Server started

2017-07-09T01:33:28.895+05:30 [05308 info 'Ufa'] Plugin started

2017-07-09T01:33:28.898+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] Running on OS: Windows 7 Ultimate, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601); CPUs: 4

2017-07-09T01:33:28.898+05:30 [01988 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2017-07-09T01:33:28.898+05:30 [01988 info 'Default'] [task,338] [task-internal-1] -- BEGIN -- TaskManager

2017-07-09T01:33:28.899+05:30 [05216 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2017-07-09T01:33:28.901+05:30 [05700 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2017-07-09T01:33:28.901+05:30 [01856 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2017-07-09T01:33:28.902+05:30 [05308 info 'Default'] [serviceWin32,416] vmware-converter-server service started

2017-07-09T01:37:09.529+05:30 [03164 error 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x01315a84, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)

2017-07-09T01:43:12.990+05:30 [03164 error 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x01315b44, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)

2017-07-09T01:43:12.991+05:30 [05752 info 'ThreadPool'] Thread enlisted

2017-07-09T02:07:52.154+05:30 [05932 error 'Ufa']

--> Got <userName> tag when expecting <_this> tag


--> while parsing call information for method ConverterLogin

--> at line 1, column 218


--> while parsing SOAP body

--> at line 1, column 207


--> while parsing SOAP envelope

--> at line 1, column 38


--> while parsing HTTP request for method login

--> on object of type converter.SessionManager

--> at line 1, column 0

2017-07-09T02:08:41.146+05:30 [05752 error 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x01315c04, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)

2017-07-09T02:10:09.325+05:30 [05752 error 'Ufa']

--> Got <userName> tag when expecting <_this> tag


--> while parsing call information for method ConverterLogin

--> at line 1, column 218


--> while parsing SOAP body

--> at line 1, column 207


--> while parsing SOAP envelope

--> at line 1, column 38


--> while parsing HTTP request for method login

--> on object of type converter.SessionManager

--> at line 1, column 0

2017-07-09T02:10:50.821+05:30 [05308 error 'Ufa']

--> Got <userName> tag when expecting <_this> tag


--> while parsing call information for method ConverterLogin

--> at line 1, column 218


--> while parsing SOAP body

--> at line 1, column 207


--> while parsing SOAP envelope

--> at line 1, column 38


--> while parsing HTTP request for method login

--> on object of type converter.SessionManager

--> at line 1, column 0

2017-07-09T02:10:59.384+05:30 [03164 error 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x01315cc4, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)

2017-07-09T02:11:39.465+05:30 [03164 error 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x01315d84, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)

2017-07-09T02:12:47.068+05:30 [03164 error 'Ufa']

--> Got <userName> tag when expecting <_this> tag


--> while parsing call information for method ConverterLogin

--> at line 1, column 218


--> while parsing SOAP body

--> at line 1, column 207


--> while parsing SOAP envelope

--> at line 1, column 38


--> while parsing HTTP request for method login

--> on object of type converter.SessionManager

--> at line 1, column 0

2017-07-09T02:13:36.785+05:30 [03912 error 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x01317284, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)

2017-07-09T02:14:48.269+05:30 [03912 error 'Ufa']

--> Got <userName> tag when expecting <_this> tag


--> while parsing call information for method ConverterLogin

--> at line 1, column 218


--> while parsing SOAP body

--> at line 1, column 207


--> while parsing SOAP envelope

--> at line 1, column 38


--> while parsing HTTP request for method login

--> on object of type converter.SessionManager

--> at line 1, column 0

2017-07-09T02:15:37.968+05:30 [05308 error 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x01317464, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)

2017-07-09T02:33:01.556+05:30 [03164 error 'Ufa']

--> Got <userName> tag when expecting <_this> tag


--> while parsing call information for method ConverterLogin

--> at line 1, column 218


--> while parsing SOAP body

--> at line 1, column 207


--> while parsing SOAP envelope

--> at line 1, column 38


--> while parsing HTTP request for method login

--> on object of type converter.SessionManager

--> at line 1, column 0

2017-07-09T02:33:50.401+05:30 [05308 error 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x013171c4, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)

2017-07-09T02:33:55.228+05:30 [05752 error 'Ufa']

--> Got <userName> tag when expecting <_this> tag


--> while parsing call information for method ConverterLogin

--> at line 1, column 218


--> while parsing SOAP body

--> at line 1, column 207


--> while parsing SOAP envelope

--> at line 1, column 38


--> while parsing HTTP request for method login

--> on object of type converter.SessionManager

--> at line 1, column 0

2017-07-09T02:34:45.251+05:30 [05308 error 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x01315a24, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)

2017-07-09T02:35:39.432+05:30 [03164 error 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x013177c4, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)

2017-07-09T02:36:14.445+05:30 [05932 error 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x01317704, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)

2017-07-09T02:40:06.100+05:30 [03912 warning 'Ufa'] Empty WSDL root, failing

2017-07-09T02:40:47.869+05:30 [05752 warning 'Ufa'] Empty WSDL root, failing

2017-07-09T02:41:25.738+05:30 [05752 warning 'Ufa'] Empty WSDL root, failing

2017-07-09T02:41:37.426+05:30 [05308 warning 'Ufa'] Empty WSDL root, failing

2017-07-09T02:42:18.822+05:30 [05752 warning 'Ufa'] Empty WSDL root, failing

2017-07-09T02:42:49.848+05:30 [03164 warning 'Ufa'] Empty WSDL root, failing

2017-07-09T02:45:54.021+05:30 [05752 error 'Ufa']

--> Got <userName> tag when expecting <_this> tag


--> while parsing call information for method ConverterLogin

--> at line 1, column 218


--> while parsing SOAP body

--> at line 1, column 207


--> while parsing SOAP envelope

--> at line 1, column 38


--> while parsing HTTP request for method login

--> on object of type converter.SessionManager

--> at line 1, column 0

2017-07-09T02:46:44.059+05:30 [03912 error 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x01315d84, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)

2017-07-09T02:49:14.699+05:30 [05308 error 'Ufa']

--> Got <userName> tag when expecting <_this> tag


--> while parsing call information for method ConverterLogin

--> at line 1, column 218


--> while parsing SOAP body

--> at line 1, column 207


--> while parsing SOAP envelope

--> at line 1, column 38


--> while parsing HTTP request for method login

--> on object of type converter.SessionManager

--> at line 1, column 0

2017-07-09T02:50:04.737+05:30 [05308 error 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x01317644, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)

2017-07-09T02:51:01.225+05:30 [05932 error 'Ufa']

--> Got <userName> tag when expecting <_this> tag


--> while parsing call information for method ConverterLogin

--> at line 1, column 218


--> while parsing SOAP body

--> at line 1, column 207


--> while parsing SOAP envelope

--> at line 1, column 38


--> while parsing HTTP request for method login

--> on object of type converter.SessionManager

--> at line 1, column 0

2017-07-09T02:51:51.248+05:30 [05308 error 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x013171c4, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)

2017-07-09T02:53:34.831+05:30 [05752 error 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x01315de4, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)

2017-07-09T02:53:35.175+05:30 [05932 error 'Ufa']

--> Attribute "type" with value "ConverterServiceContent" does not refer to a ManagedObjectType


--> while parsing MoRef for ManagedObject of type vmodl.ManagedObject

--> at line 1, column 273


--> while parsing call information for method ConverterRetrieveServiceContent

--> at line 1, column 218


--> while parsing SOAP body

--> at line 1, column 207


--> while parsing SOAP envelope

--> at line 1, column 38


--> while parsing HTTP request for method retrieveContent

--> on object of type converter.ServiceInstance

--> at line 1, column 0

2017-07-09T02:54:25.250+05:30 [03912 error 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x01315ea4, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)

2017-07-09T11:33:58.072+05:30 [05752 error 'Ufa.HTTPService'] Failed to read request; stream: <io_obj p:0x01317584, h:-1, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>, <pipe '\\.\pipe\vmware-converter-server-soap'>>, error: class Vmacore::TimeoutException(Operation timed out)

0 Kudos
2 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee


Is it possible the versions of Converter server and of the SDK stub dll you have registered differ?



0 Kudos


I got it ,the issue is with the dll files which compiled with strong name to install them in GAC.

Now , I have compiled them with the help of recommended document and its working.


0 Kudos