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Workstation 12 Player version field causes screen resolution issues when corrected.

I installed windows 7 64 bits pro. Screen resolution in auto mode. Real resolution 1920x1020. Works fine.

I updated the system to windows 10 latest version (30nov 2015) works fine but the OS is still noted as windows 7

I changed the selection field to windows 10 64 bits pro.

Workstation 12 player thinks that I changed or moved the client.

The effect is: The screen size changed in maximum 1152X864 resolution and there is no way to select 1920x1020. Not from the workstation player and not from the configuration menu in the client.

Changing the OS version back to windows 7 64 bit pro (but actually still using windows 10 64 bit pro) tells VMPLAYER to tell me that I  moved or changed the client again. Ok

Then I can change in manual resolution selection the resolution to 1920x1080 (workstation player) and in the client 1920x1020 is again selectable.

My questions are is:

One :What is the use of this version field? For me it seemed a good idea to change it but it caused me a lot of problems.

Second question: What are the implications for me if I leave it as windows 7 64 bit.

Three: If this version selection causes this kind of problems what else changes? (Please note that the auto part no longer seems to work after changing the version back so the system is no longer the same)

Some remarks:

1 I could reproduce the problem using an other client however the resolution was 1600x1200 and not 1152x864

I would appreciate it if anyone knows the answer and if not this should be a warning for others who toggle the version field.

Kind Regards


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