VMware Cloud Community

Is there a way to know if a vm retruned from running Get-VM is a SRM replica vm

I am working on powercli 5.5 release 1e and i run the following command to get a list of vm under a hypervisor server:-


now i got many useful info such as :-

powerState    Version    Description    Notes    Guest    NumCpu    MemoryMB    MemoryGB    HardDisks    NetworkAdapters    UsbDevices    CDDrives    FloppyDrives    Host    HostId    VMHostId    VMHost    VApp    FolderId    Folder    ResourcePoolId    ResourcePool    PersistentId    UsedSpaceGB    ProvisionedSpaceGB    DatastoreIdList    HARestartPriority    HAIsolationResponse    DrsAutomationLevel    VMSwapfilePolicy    VMResourceConfiguration    Name    CustomFields    ExtensionData    Id    Uid    Client

but is there a way to know if a vm is a SRM replica or not  using Get-VM command or other commands?

now i am calling the power cli scripts (Get-VM) from my Visual Studio , so the replicated vm appear on one hypervisor server as follow (when it is PoweredOn):-


while the same replicated vm will appear under another hyper visor server as follow (it is poweroff):-


now i have noted that the replicated vm when it is powered off will have zero harddisk & zero CDDrive... so can this give an indication that it is SRM replica vm ? or i can not depend my indication on this as any vm which is poweroff regardless if it is a SRM replica or not will have any zero hardisk and zero CDDrive assigned to it ? can anyone adivce ?


now i investigated the returned vales for the two VMs and i found a value named Datastore, now when the vm is on it will have something such as :-


while when it  is off it will have something such as (where the word srmph is included ):-


so can i depend my indication if the vm is a SRM replica from its datastore ? so if the datasotre contain the word srmph then it is a vm replica ?


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1 Reply

Could you try the following script from RvdNieuwendijk


To retrieve all of the virtual machines that are not SRM placeholders, you can use the following PowerCLI command:

Get-VM | Where-Object {$_.ExtensionData.Config.ManagedBy.ExtensionKey -ne 'com.vmware.vcDr'}

To retrieve only the SRM placeholders virtual machines, you can use the following PowerCLI command:

Get-VM | Where-Object {$_.ExtensionData.Config.ManagedBy.ExtensionKey -eq 'com.vmware.vcDr'}

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