VMware Cloud Community

get-view removehost task

how to I remove host from get-view?

I looked at

get-view -viewtype 'hostsystem' -property 'name' -filter @{"Name" = "esxhost"} | gm

but did not find the task there

Name                             MemberType Definition

----                             ---------- ----------

AcquireCimServicesTicket         Method     VMware.Vim.HostServiceTicket Acq...

Destroy                          Method     void Destroy()

Destroy_Task                     Method     VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

DisconnectHost                   Method     void DisconnectHost()

DisconnectHost_Task              Method     VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

EnterLockdownMode                Method     void EnterLockdownMode()

EnterMaintenanceMode             Method     void EnterMaintenanceMode(int ti...

EnterMaintenanceMode_Task        Method     VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

Equals                           Method     bool Equals(System.Object obj)

ExitLockdownMode                 Method     void ExitLockdownMode()

ExitMaintenanceMode              Method     void ExitMaintenanceMode(int tim...

ExitMaintenanceMode_Task         Method     VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

GetAllEventsView                 Method     VMware.Vim.EventHistoryCollector...

GetAllTasksView                  Method     VMware.Vim.TaskHistoryCollector ...

GetEntityOnlyEventsCollectorView Method     VMware.Vim.EventHistoryCollector...

GetEntityOnlyTasksCollectorView  Method     VMware.Vim.TaskHistoryCollector ...

GetEventCollectorView            Method     VMware.Vim.EventHistoryCollector...

GetHashCode                      Method     int GetHashCode()

GetTaskCollectorView             Method     VMware.Vim.TaskHistoryCollector ...

GetType                          Method     type GetType()

PowerDownHostToStandBy           Method     void PowerDownHostToStandBy(int ...

PowerDownHostToStandBy_Task      Method     VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

PowerUpHostFromStandBy           Method     void PowerUpHostFromStandBy(int ...

PowerUpHostFromStandBy_Task      Method     VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

QueryHostConnectionInfo          Method     VMware.Vim.HostConnectInfo Query...

QueryMemoryOverhead              Method     long QueryMemoryOverhead(long me...

QueryMemoryOverheadEx            Method     long QueryMemoryOverheadEx(VMwar...

QueryTpmAttestationReport        Method     VMware.Vim.HostTpmAttestationRep...

RebootHost                       Method     void RebootHost(bool force)

RebootHost_Task                  Method     VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

ReconfigureHostForDAS            Method     void ReconfigureHostForDAS()

ReconfigureHostForDAS_Task       Method     VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

ReconnectHost                    Method     void ReconnectHost(VMware.Vim.Ho...

ReconnectHost_Task               Method     VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

Reload                           Method     void Reload()

Rename                           Method     void Rename(string newName)

Rename_Task                      Method     VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

RetrieveHardwareUptime           Method     long RetrieveHardwareUptime()

setCustomValue                   Method     void setCustomValue(string key, ...

SetViewData                      Method     void SetViewData(VMware.Vim.Obje...

ShutdownHost                     Method     void ShutdownHost(bool force)

ShutdownHost_Task                Method     VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

ToString                         Method     string ToString()

UpdateFlags                      Method     void UpdateFlags(VMware.Vim.Host...

UpdateIpmi                       Method     void UpdateIpmi(VMware.Vim.HostI...

UpdateSystemResources            Method     void UpdateSystemResources(VMwar...

UpdateSystemSwapConfiguration    Method     void UpdateSystemSwapConfigurati...

UpdateViewData                   Method     void UpdateViewData(Params strin...

WaitForTask                      Method     System.Object WaitForTask(VMware...

AlarmActionsEnabled              Property   bool AlarmActionsEnabled {get;}

AvailableField                   Property   VMware.Vim.CustomFieldDef[] Avai...

Capability                       Property   VMware.Vim.HostCapability Capabi...

Client                           Property   VMware.Vim.VimClient Client {get;}

Config                           Property   VMware.Vim.HostConfigInfo Config...

ConfigIssue                      Property   VMware.Vim.Event[] ConfigIssue {...

ConfigManager                    Property   VMware.Vim.HostConfigManager Con...

ConfigStatus                     Property   VMware.Vim.ManagedEntityStatus C...

CustomValue                      Property   VMware.Vim.CustomFieldValue[] Cu...

Datastore                        Property   VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

DatastoreBrowser                 Property   VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

DeclaredAlarmState               Property   VMware.Vim.AlarmState[] Declared...

DisabledMethod                   Property   string[] DisabledMethod {get;}

EffectiveRole                    Property   int[] EffectiveRole {get;}

Hardware                         Property   VMware.Vim.HostHardwareInfo Hard...

LicensableResource               Property   VMware.Vim.HostLicensableResourc...

LinkedView                       Property   VMware.Vim.HostSystem_LinkedView...

MoRef                            Property   VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

Name                             Property   string Name {get;}

Network                          Property   VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

OverallStatus                    Property   VMware.Vim.ManagedEntityStatus O...

Parent                           Property   VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

Permission                       Property   VMware.Vim.Permission[] Permissi...

RecentTask                       Property   VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

Runtime                          Property   VMware.Vim.HostRuntimeInfo Runti...

Summary                          Property   VMware.Vim.HostListSummary Summa...

SystemResources                  Property   VMware.Vim.HostSystemResourceInf...

Tag                              Property   VMware.Vim.Tag[] Tag {get;}

TriggeredAlarmState              Property   VMware.Vim.AlarmState[] Triggere...

Value                            Property   VMware.Vim.CustomFieldValue[] Va...

Vm                               Property   VMware.Vim.ManagedObjectReferenc...

I am trying to disconnect a host from a cluster, remove it and add it back into another vcenter

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7 Replies

Have a look at Destroy


I can't test this right now but the privs required to run it on a HostSystem object make it look like its what you're looking for...

0 Kudos

Like Craig said  use the destroy or destroy_task,

if you want to disconnect it before , use DisconnectHost_Task or DisconnectHost .

This will work, already done it few times.

--- @blog https://grzegorzkulikowski.info
0 Kudos

I cannot get this to work

get-vmhost vmhost | % {

    $view = get-view $_.id

    $arg = new-object VMware.Vim.HostConnectSpec

    $arg.userName = "root"

    $arg.password = $password

    $arg.force = $true




But in vcenter I got

The operation is not supported on the object. any idea? I put a start-sleep 10 before the Destroy_task() but it would not let me disconnect and remove host

any idea?

0 Kudos

Can you check with 1 host only ?

$vmhost = get-view -viewtype hostsystem -filter @{'name'='YourEsxiName'}



You connect to Virtual center first.

Connect-viserver [name_of_vc] -credential (get-credential)

--- @blog https://grzegorzkulikowski.info
0 Kudos

no same error in vcenter. host got disconnected but the remove host task is not working

0 Kudos

I was seeing the same issues, although I was using the vSphere Perl SDK instead of the PowerCLI one.  I found this in the Perl API doco for vSphere 6, and I assume PowerCLI mentions the same thing somewhere in its doco for HostSystem.

Invoking destroy on a HostSystem of standalone type throws a NotSupported fault. A standalone HostSystem can be destroyed only by invoking destroy on its parent ComputeResource.

I retrieve the ComputeResource by getting the parent of the HostSystem managed object.  It also is named the same as the host (in the case of a standalone host).  I can't give you the exact PowerCLI code, but I hope this helps!

0 Kudos

That is correct, I use the following code to remove a HostSystem

$hostName = 'MyEsx'

$esx = Get-View -ViewType HostSystem -Filter @{'Name'=$hostName}

$parent = Get-View -Id $esx.Parent


if($parent -is [VMware.Vim.ClusterComputeResource])




elseif($parent -is [VMware.Vim.ComputeResource])




Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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