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Writable volumes and drive letters

When a writable volume is attached to a VDI, it gets assigned a drive letter. By default this drive letter is made hidden to the user, but can be made visible via the registry key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\svdriver\Parameters\DriveLetterSettings

How does AppVolumes determine the drive letter that will be assigned to a writable volume?

What happens if a logon script (which runs after the attachment of a writable volume) maps a drive to the same drive letter appvolumes chose for its writable disk?

4 Replies

In such cases, you have the option to stop assigning drive letter to writable volumes. To do so, follow the below registry changes (on the master image).

1. Open Regedit

2. Navigate to HKEY Local Machine\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\svservice\parameters

3. Add a key VolDelayLoadTime REG_DWORD and set to 0

4. Open the command prompt as an administrator

5. Run the command: reg.exe add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\svservice\parameters /t REG_DWORD /v VolDelayLoadTime /d 0 /f

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‌I don't get it anymore:

1. On page 39 of the User guide (https://www.vmware.com/pdf/app-volumes-29-users-guide.pdf  ) it is mentioned "This value is ignored if a writable volume is used" in the explanation for the VolDelayLoadTime regkey

2. In VMware KB 212640 there is another explanation for the VolDelayloadTime regkey

3. In your comment there is yet another explanation for the VolDelayLoadTime regkey

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Let's hope the quality and consistency of the documentation is better in the upcoming version

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To be honest I get the feeling that Appvolumes is a company within the company of VMWare.

If you would like to have decent and accurate information you really need to contact the Appvolumes/Cloudvolumes engineers and team instead of the old VMWare engineers.

I have even heard (wasn't it you who said that Lieven?) that was stated that appstacks take precedence over writeble volumes in an official VMWare presentation which is absolutely not true.

@Jason, i really hope you get back on the forums soon. Or maybe get one of the other guys on the forums. It would be great to get some more accurate info.

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