VMware Edu & Cert Community

Integrating Cloud Products on my VCDX design

For the purposes of preparing my defence, how important is it how the integration between products on the vCloud Suite is accomplished?  For example, if Orchestrator connects to a third party system using RPC or SOAP instead of REST, when it could have used REST?  Is this more of a "software architecture outside the scope of the design" issue or is it a critical design issue?

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2 Replies

IMO, this is not a design decision.  The use of vCO to integrate to the other systems over something else is an architecture level decision.  How they communicate is more of a software level choice when multiple options are available.  I would not see that particular thing as something related to the overall design.....again....in my opinion


OK thanks.  I much appreciate your input.  This article, writing from the perspective, not of private cloud  but of public cloud offerings, seems to agree with your perspective.  Not being a developer, I'd like to understand if any cloud infrastructure people that really understand development, or development people that really understand cloud infrastructure, are convinced that REST is best.

This article is written from the opposite perspective.  The argument here is that by using a stateless architecture, there is a more robust design.  Following this logic, if I am looking at AMPRS qualities (Availability, Manageability, performance, Recoverability and Security) then I would have a design benefit with REST.  Michael KAvis makes a good point toward the argument that REST would enhance the availability of services in my cloud infrastructure if those services used stateless interactions and replaced ACID with BASE transacations. By his logic, for example, if I use VM provisioning with VCAC/vRA and my provisioning process needs to interact with many third party systems (CMDB, IPAM, etc.) to be successful, I would increase my AMPRS points with REST.

Chris I'm happy to hear your thoughts if I'm off track.  Any other thoughts / opinions?

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