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Find Entities within multiple vCenters

Well....now that my brain is nearly wrecked i claim for help :smileycry:

I'm doing a script to find an entity in a set of Vcenters. I have to bring the name of the Entity, Type(i give to bring this variable...) and the Vcenter...Only two types of information of various vcenters.



The chalenge for this task is to reduce the time of response... The old script brings the information back but a lot of time is wasted.

I got here and my brain don't want to work anymore... Any help??

Add: a Doubt.. is that possible to connect to multiple Vcenters using "job-commands" and use the connection information of them in some way?

#Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core
#Add-PSSnapin VMware.VumAutomation
#. "%programfiles%\VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere PowerCLI\Scripts\Initialize-PowerCLIEnvironment.ps1"
# Adds the base cmdlets
Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core -EA SilentlyContinue

# Set to multiple VC Mode
if(((Get-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope Session).DefaultVIServerMode) -ne "Multiple") {
    Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -DefaultVIServerMode Multiple -Scope AllUsers -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
    Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -DefaultVIServerMode Multiple -Scope User -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
    Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -DefaultVIServerMode Multiple -Scope Session -Confirm:$false | Out-Null

$count = 0

Function Get-INFOS{
    Get-Inventory -Location $dcInfo

Function Find{  
    foreach ($info in $finalOUTPUT){

        if($info.Name -match "$typed*"){
            $infoFound = $info.Name
            $vcFound = ((($info.uid.split("@"))[1]).split(":"))[0]
            Write-host "
            Result Found($count):
                Nome: $infoFound
                VCenter: $VCFound
            " -ForegroundColor Green
            $count = $count +1

Function Load{
$vCenters= import-csv lista_vcenters.csv -Header("Vcenter")
$finalOUTPUT = @()
#$finalOUTPUT = "" | Select-Object VC, EntityType, Entity

Write-Host ("Getting the Inventory info from {0} vCenters." -f $vCenters.Length)

foreach ($vCenter in $vCenters) {

        Start-job -scriptblock{ 
    $vc = Connect-VIServer $vCenter.Vcenter -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
    if (!$vc) {
  Write-Host "Failure connecting to the vCenter $vCenter."

    $dcs = Get-Datacenter -Server $vc
    foreach ($dc in $dcs) {

        $vcname = $vCenter.vcenter
        Write-host " "
        Write-Host "Getting info from $vcname" -ForegroundColor Green
          $finalOUTPUT += Get-INFOS $dc
    Disconnect-VIServer $vc -Confirm:$false
    } | Wait-Job


$typed = Read-Host "Type the name of the Entity you want to find:"


while(((Read-Host "Do you want to start a new Search?") -eq "y")){
    $count = 0   
    $typed = Read-Host "Type the name of the Entity you want to find:"
    if($count -lt 1){
        Write-Host "No Results Found!" -ForegroundColor Red

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When you run too many jobs in parallel, and thus place stress on memory and CPU, the total runtime of the sessions, then if you run them in batches.

With the Invoke-Command cmdlet you use the ThrottleLimit parameter, which allows a better control over how much parallelism you want.

See also Example 2 on the Start-Job cmdlet.

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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Yes, that is possible.

Have a look at Clinton's post called Multithreading PowerCLI

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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So Luc, after burning some brain here i am:

I'm trying, first, to make a set of instructions to be runned at each of my 27 vCenters. Initially, i'm trying to get only the Clusters Names.:smileysilly: Until here OKAY

$vcenters = Import-Csv lista_vcenters.csv -Header("vcenter")

#Dentro do job, executar e exibir somente os resultados
$job = {add-pssnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ea 0;
        connect-viserver $args[0] -wa 0|Out-Null;
        write-host "Vcenter: "$args[0];
        write-host "--------------";
        get-cluster|%{Write-Host "`t"$_.Name};
        write-host "--------------";
        Disconnect-VIServer $args[0] -Confirm:$false -wa 0 | Out-Null;
   $jobsRunning = @()
    foreach($vc in $vcenters){
     #start-job -scriptblock $job -Name "meujobteste" | Wait-Job
        $randJOB = "JOB_"+$vc.Vcenter
        $jobsRunning += start-job -scriptblock $job -ArgumentList $vc.Vcenter -Name $randJOB
    $jobsRunning | %{
        $_ |Select State;
        while(((Get-Job -Name $_.Name) | Select State).State -eq "Running"){      
            Get-Job -Name $_.Name| Wait-Job;

But when Running, i realize that for some reason, a few jobs were Stuck with "Blocked" Status... This make impossible to do what i want... Run the instructions at the same time at all vCenters.

PS C:\Windows\system32>   get-job

Id              Name            State      HasMoreData     Location             Command                 
--              ----            -----      -----------     --------             -------                 
355             JOB_SC... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
353             JOB_SC... Blocked    True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
351             JOB_S003... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
349             JOB_S02... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
347             JOB... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
345             JOB_S03... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
343             JOB_SC01... Blocked    True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
341             JOB_... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
339             JOB_SP1... Blocked    True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
337             JOB_S000... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
335             JOB_5O  Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
333             JOB_S001... Running    True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
331             JOB_S000... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
329             JOB_S00... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
327             JOB_SC00... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
325             JOB_S000... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
323             JOB_SO  Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
321             JOB_SU  Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
319             JOB_AS  Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
371             JOB_S00... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
369             JOB_S000... Blocked    True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
367             JOB_S006... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
365             JOB_005... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
363             JOB_S006... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
361             JOB_S6... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
359             JOB_00... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...
357             JOB_S03... Completed  True            localhost            add-pssnapin VMware.Vi...

After that i try to receive the job data of the Jobs that were Completed...At that time, the Blocked Jobs became Running and Completed too...

Well... my doubt. There is a limitation about creating Jobs??

I just wanted to run the 27 processes at the same time but, probably i can't, right?Smiley Sad

After All, i'm happy. Evolving so much!! :smileylaugh:

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When you run too many jobs in parallel, and thus place stress on memory and CPU, the total runtime of the sessions, then if you run them in batches.

With the Invoke-Command cmdlet you use the ThrottleLimit parameter, which allows a better control over how much parallelism you want.

See also Example 2 on the Start-Job cmdlet.

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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OK, so... instead doing like this:

        $jobsRunning += start-job -scriptblock $job -ArgumentList $vc.Vcenter -Name $randJOB

i have to do like this?:

  $jobsRunning += invoke-command -scriptblock $job -ArgumentList $vc.Vcenter -throttlelimit 27 -jobname $randJOB

I'm worried about the functionality. With the Start-Job command i can do almost everything i need (That is: Start the script block at all vCenters at the same time)

I can't test right now...i'm at home. Tomorrow i'll place things better in the script and let you know if it works. Smiley Happy

Doubt 1: What happens with the 11 jobs remaining if i set the throttlelimit to 16? I need to run 27 jobs at the same time( I think...).

Doubt 2: I don't want to run these commands on other computers... The invoke-command needs to specify a remote computer?

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I'm moving to another way around this script...it was taking too much time and effort, that, unfortunately i didn't have. As soon as possible, i'll return 😃

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