VMware Communities

Unable to Open .VMX File... Syntax Error Line 1

Hello All,

I seem to be having an issue with my VMPlayer and my Windows XP Virtual Machine.

I have been using the virtual machine almost everyday for the last month now and suddenly this morning I can't seem to open my Windows XP VM. I have 4 other Virtual Machines (Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Mint, etc...) that all work fine still, but my XP one will NOT open.

Attached is a screen shot of the error I'm getting. It's has to do with a syntax error on line 1 of the .vmx file.

After looking around the forum I found someone with a similar problem (i.e. syntax error, but different line though). And his attached vmx file was completely "human" readable. But when I open mine in notepad (had to open through another VM in Virtual Box because my host OS is linux and I could not open it in gedit), and the file was "almost" completely jibberish. I thought it was supposed to look like a configuration file...?

But anyway, does anyone have a clue what it could be?

I've attached all the VM logs, the .vmx file, and a screenshot of the error I'm seeing.

Thanks in Advance,


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2 Replies

So I found this page at vmware.com --> http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=100359..., and followed the instructions there for "Manually rebuilding the .vmx file".

I used the "vmware.log" file and saved the configuration lines from the log and fixed it up like it said to do... I attached the new rebuilt .vmx file.

So I got past the original error I saw about the syntax error. Now I'm seeing this new error (attached) about missing vmdk file, which isn't missing, it's in the same dir as the rest of the files.

Can anyone suggest what to do about this. VMPlayer suggested repairing the disk, but there could be possible data loss. And there are some important files on the VM that I need. Does anyone think that I could loose data if I let it repair the disk? But I don't think there is anything wrong with the disk in the first place, last time I used it was yesterday, and nothing serious happened at all. It was shutdown and un-mounted correctly yesterday when I used it.

Or if anyone has any other suggestions, that would be great! I'm really stuck here....

Also, the errors attached (there are 2) the 1st one asks what it wants to do and the 2nd one is what I get after I hit "No"...

Thanks in Advance,


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Alright, well I just hit "Yes" because I really need to get this open. And now I saw these errors (attached) and the VMPlayer window goes past the prompt with the vmware logo and the "Hit F2 for Bios" screen and then it just sits there with a black screen and a underscore that isn't flashing.

Don't know what else to do now?

EDIT: I also just attached the new log files since trying to run vmplayer again.



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