VMware Cloud Community

Where can I download a version of vSphere that will work on 2012 and do you just save to desktop and click .exe

I need to install vSphere on a domain controller running 2012 server.  There doesnt appear to be any vmWare products on this server so where do i start. I went to vmware's page and it had a

vsphere replicator (whatever that means) so i downloaded it but there is no .exe in the zip folder.  Is it because i need to be running ESXi on the server it is being installed on

Need direct links and steps

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9 Replies

This Question seems complicate. Can you explain what you want to achieve.

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I know it is a little unclear but i have limited information on what they have running. So lets say you want to be able to connect to the virtual servers that are probably hosted on another server on the same network, then all you would have to do is install the vsphere client on any one of the server correct?

Essentially the v Sphere should find the virtual servers based on the ip address you plug into it correct?

If this is the case where can you download the vsphere client 5.5 that you can launch from your desktop that contains a .exe?

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Suppose you install your virtual server or ESXi  in then you need to type the same IP in the browser and get download the vSpehre client from any desktop. The same .exe file you can install any where and get connect to virtual server.

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Hello, you can find the thick vSphere clients in this VMware KB: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=208979...

Make sure you have been given required access in the Active Directory though, or if you are using local users, make sure your local user has sufficient permissions,

Stop by my blog if you'd like 🙂 I dabble in vSphere troubleshooting, PowerCLI scripting and NetApp storage - and I share my journeys at http://vmxp.wordpress.com/
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So Alistar, i just would need the IP address of that ESX server that is on the network and have the proper log in credentials of course.  Then there is a link to download the vSphere client onto my computer?

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If you can ping the IP from any desktop then you can just put the IP in browser it will show you Hyperlink from where you need to download the viClient and it will download locally.

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Thanks for all your help guys and gals

Now its coming back to me with the VMware stuff.  However its good to know the way to do it but what would be the reason you don't want vSphere on a domain controller

thanks again

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If you're talking about vCenter Server, then the one and only concern is security. The vCenter Server is one huge bundle of services which increases the attack surface and you don't want anyone to mess with your AD Data, rendering users or computers in your company unable to log in or effectively do anything. You are running the vCenter Server as a System Service by default, with some service account you can have further granularity. It extends even more if you decide to have the database locally (another account). vCenter Server installation will even refuse to initialize if it detects the current PC is a Domain Controller

Stop by my blog if you'd like 🙂 I dabble in vSphere troubleshooting, PowerCLI scripting and NetApp storage - and I share my journeys at http://vmxp.wordpress.com/
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So what is the best practice to install vSphere? Is it to connect to the ESX servers and it should be on the download page. Also what is the best practice to install vmware tools?

Lastly once VCenter is installed you should be able to manage all your virtual computers from the one VCenter console correct?

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