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Creating datastore of specific size say 2.5 TB using Vmware perl API CreateVmfsDatastore

How do I create datastore of specific size say 2.5 TB using Vmware perl API CreateVmfsDatastore ?

I have used following block of code, where i am passing $dataStoreSize as the argument -

my $dataStoreSize = 2.5; # datastore size is set in TB

my $newDatastoreOptions = $ds_view->QueryVmfsDatastoreCreateOptions( devicePath => $hostScsiDisk->devicePath ) ;

my $HostDiskPartitionInfo = $hs_view->ComputeDiskPartitionInfo ( devicePath => $hostScsiDisk->devicePath , layout => @$newDatastoreOptions[0]->info->layout );

my $diskname = @$newDatastoreOptions[0]->spec->vmfs->extent->diskName ;

my $partition = @$newDatastoreOptions[0]->spec->vmfs->extent->partition ;

my $diskUuid = @$newDatastoreOptions[0]->spec->diskUuid ;

my $partitionarr = @$newDatastoreOptions[0]->spec->partition->partition ;

my $hostDiskPartitionSpec = HostDiskPartitionSpec->new(

    chs => @$newDatastoreOptions[0]->spec->partition->chs ,

    partition => @$newDatastoreOptions[0]->spec->partition->partition,

    totalSectors => $dataStoreSize * ???,

    partitionFormat => @$newDatastoreOptions[0]->spec->partition->partitionFormat


my $hostScsiDiskPartition = new HostScsiDiskPartition( diskName => $diskname, partition => @$newDatastoreOptions[0]->spec->vmfs->extent->partition );

my $hostVmfsSpec = new HostVmfsSpec( blockSizeMb => 1, extent => $hostScsiDiskPartition, majorVersion => @$newDatastoreOptions[0]->spec->vmfs->majorVersion,  volumeName => $dataStore);

my $vmfsDatastoreCreateSpec = new VmfsDatastoreCreateSpec( partition => $hostDiskPartitionSpec, vmfs => $hostVmfsSpec , diskUuid => $diskUuid );

$newDatastore = $ds_view->CreateVmfsDatastore( spec => $vmfsDatastoreCreateSpec );

I wanted to know how the totalSectors would be calculated -

totalSectors => $dataStoreSize *???

Can we use API call ComputeDiskPartitionInfo, while creating a datastore of specific size?

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1 Reply

Instead of trying to calculate all the parameters yourself, you could do this to create a new VMFS Datastore.

# Get HostDatastoreSystem MO to call CreateVMFSDatastore() method

my $hdSystem_mo_ref = $host_view -> configManager -> datastoreSystem;

# Get Managed Object so we can run methods on it

my $hdSystem_view = Vim::get_view (mo_ref => $hdSystem_mo_ref ) ;

my $vmfs_datastore_options = $hdSystem_view -> QueryVmfsDatastoreCreateOptions (

            devicePath => $esxLun -> devicePath,

            vmfsMajorVersion => 5 );

my $vmfs_spec = @$vmfs_datastore_options[0] -> spec;

# Here you can modify $vmfs_spec to what you need, such as the volume name:

$vmfs_spec->{vmfs}->{volumeName} = $lun->lun();

# Create the Datastore!

my $datastore = $hdSystem_view -> CreateVmfsDatastore( spec => $vmfs_spec );

Documentation for this is described here: Online Documentation - vSphere Management SDK 5.5 - VMware Developer Center

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