VMware {code} Community

vSphere SDK : Vim25Service2005.dll? reference


I am using new vSphere sdk.First step for me is to retrive the dll out of wsdl file.

with vsphere SDK I got 2 Folders

  • vim

  • vim25

when I am excuting "genvimstubs.cmd" with both the folders I am getting vimservice2005.dll and Vimservice2005.xmlSerailizers.dll

I need to compile the AppUtil project which needs the reference of Vim25Service2005 and Vim25Service2005.xmlSeralizers

How can I generate Vim25Service2005.dll and Vim25Service2005.xmlSeralizers.dll?



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4 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager

You're posting in the wrong forum, if you're on the BETA, there is a private forum. I would suggest updating the post and removing the comments


William Lam

VMware vExpert 2009

VMware ESX/ESXi scripts and resources at:

0 Kudos

Try to modify the bacth file genvimstubs.cmd and put into it the correct parameter values.

I hope is helpful.

Ermanno De Giuli

Vmware vcp

0 Kudos

I have modified the batch command file in this mode and it works.

@rem 22 Maggio 2009 - 19:00

@rem Ermix per creare le dll per vi 2.5

@rem dev@informan.com


@echo off

@rem Generate WebService Stubs and precompiled stub serializers

@if not defined VSINSTALLDIR goto err_no_VCENVSETUP

if not exist %VSINSTALLDIR%\SDK\v2.0\bin\wsdl.exe goto err_no_VSTOOLS

if not exist %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\csc.exe goto err_no_VSTOOLS

@rem This script takes 6 parameters

@rem 1. directory of wsdl files. This is a mandatory parameter.

@rem 2. namespace for stubs

@rem This defaults to VimApi

@rem 3. stub output directory

@rem This defaults to .

@rem 4. output filename

@rem This defaults to VimObjects.cs

@rem 5. dll directory

@rem This defaults to .

@rem 6. Name of the DLLs to generate.

@rem This defaults to VimService2005*

@rem this script assumes that the files are named vim.wsdl and vimservice.wsdl

@if ==[] goto err_no_WSDLFILE

@if not exist %1\vim.wsdl goto err_no_WSDLFILE

@if not exist %1\vimService.wsdl goto err_no_WSDLFILE

@set _WSDLDIR=%1

@if ==[] (

@set _NAMESPACE=Vim25Api

) else (

@set _NAMESPACE=%2


@if ==[] (

@set _STUBDIR=.

) else (

@set _STUBDIR=%3


@if ==[] (

@set _STUBFILENAME=Vim25Objects.cs

) else (

@for /f "tokens=1" %%G in ('echo %~n4') do (


@call :set_filename %%G


@goto done_setfilename


@set _STUBFILENAME=%1.cs

@goto :eof


@set dummy=


@if ==[] (

@set _DLLDIR=.

) else (

@set _DLLDIR=%5


@if ==[] (

@set _DLLNAME=Vim25Service2005

) else (

@set _DLLNAME=%6


@set _LASTPASS=no

@if "%_STUBDIR%"=="." goto create_dll_dir

echo Checking and Creating %_STUBDIR%

@if not exist %_STUBDIR% (

@rd /s/q %_STUBDIR%

@if exist %_STUBDIR% (

@rd /s/q %_STUBDIR%



@md %_STUBDIR%


@if "%_DLLDIR%"=="." goto gen_vim_stubs

echo Checking and Creating %_DLLDIR%

@if not exist %_DLLDIR% (

@rd /s/q %_DLLDIR%

@if exist %_DLLDIR% (

@rd /s/q %_DLLDIR%



@md %_DLLDIR%


@rem generate the Vim C# stub file

wsdl.exe /l:CS /n:%_NAMESPACE% /out:%_STUBDIR%\%_STUBFILENAME% %_WSDLDIR%\vim.wsdl %_WSDLDIR%\vimService.wsdl

@rem compile the stub dll


csc.exe /t:library /out:%_DLLDIR%\%_DLLNAME%.dll %_STUBDIR%\%_STUBFILENAME%

@if "%_LASTPASS%"=="yes" goto end_ok

@rem use sgen tool to pre-generate and compile Xml Serializers

sgen.exe /p /out:%_DLLDIR% %_DLLDIR%\%_DLLNAME%.dll

@rem comment out all [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute lines

@echo Optimizing generated stubs...


@set _LASTPASS=yes

goto compile_DLL


@echo Error: Directory to build stubs in %_STUBDIR% does not exist

goto end_err


@echo Error: Directory to compile DLLs in %_DLLDIR% does not exist

goto end_err


@echo Error: Directory for WSDL files vim.wsdl and vimService.wsdl not specified

@echo Please specify WSDL files to generate stubs for

@echo Run As: genvimstubs.cmd <WSDL Directory> http://<Stub filename with .cs> http://<Stub Dll name(without .dll extension)>

@echo E.g.

@echo genvimstubs.cmd .\

@echo Or to customize namespace stubfilename and dll names etc...

@echo genvimstubs.cmd .\ VimApi .\stubdir MyVimStubs.cs .\dlldir MyVimStubs



@echo Error: No Visual Studio 2005 environment settings found

@echo Please run this script inside a Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt



@echo Stub generation Failed!


goto end


@echo Stub generation Done.




0 Kudos

To build vSphere SDK C# solution you need to run batch file Build2005.cmd after creating the appropiate Environment variables.

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