VMware {code} Community

customization event

I am currently cloning a vm template and specifying a pre-configured customization spec, currently I am doing this manually using vCenter for testing.

I have a sample c# program that I have included at the end of this email, it is not the final code as I used a working example with modifications.

The issue is that I can use this filter type below and see the vm power on and off just fine. But I never see any of the customization events.

eventFilter.type = new String[] { "VmPoweredOffEvent", "VmPoweredOnEvent", "CustomizationEvent", "CustomizationStartedEvent", "CustomizationSucceeded" };

If I comment out this filter type line, I see all events including the customization. But the customization events don't appear to be firing as customizationEvents but rather simply an Event. As I have to make this call: ((Event)value).fullFormattedMessage

Then I see the two start/success messages ie: "Started customization of VM TOMZ2. Customization log located at C:
guestcust.log in the guest OS."

Is this the proper way to determine when customization is started and succeeds? Or am I doing this wrong? Any suggestions or guidance is appreciated.

BTW: the latest vmware tools are installed in the vm/template.



private void createEventHistoryCollector() {

// Create an Entity Event Filter Spec to

// specify the MoRef of the VM to be get events filtered for

EventFilterSpecByEntity entitySpec = new EventFilterSpecByEntity();

entitySpec.entity =_virtualMachine;

// we are only interested in getting events for the VM

//entitySpec.recursion = EventFilterSpecRecursionOption.self;

entitySpec.recursion = EventFilterSpecRecursionOption.all;

// set the entity spec in the EventFilter

EventFilterSpec eventFilter = new EventFilterSpec();

eventFilter.entity = entitySpec;

// we are only interested in getting events for the VM.

// Add as many events you want to track relating to vm.

// Refer to API Data Object vmEvent and see the extends class list for elaborate list of vmEvents

// with this enabled do not see customization events, comment out will see

eventFilter.type = new String[] { "VmPoweredOffEvent", "VmPoweredOnEvent", "CustomizationEvent", "CustomizationStartedEvent", "CustomizationSucceeded" };

// create the EventHistoryCollector to monitor events for a VM

// and get the ManagedObjectReference of the EventHistoryCollector returned

_eventHistoryCollector = service.CreateCollectorForEvents(eventManager, eventFilter);


private PropertyFilterSpec createEventFilterSpec() {

// Set up a PropertySpec to use the latestPage attribute

// of the EventHistoryCollector

PropertySpec propSpec = new PropertySpec();

propSpec.all = false;

propSpec.pathSet=new String[] { "latestPage" };

propSpec.type =_eventHistoryCollector.type;

// PropertySpecs are wrapped in a PropertySpec array

PropertySpec[] propSpecAry = new PropertySpec[http://communities.vmware.com/community-document-picker.jspa?communityID=&subject=%5DpropSpecAry%3DnewPropertySpec%5B] ;

// Set up an ObjectSpec with the above PropertySpec for the

// EventHistoryCollector we just created

// as the Root or Starting Object to get Attributes for.

ObjectSpec objSpec = new ObjectSpec();

objSpec.obj =_eventHistoryCollector;

objSpec.skip = false;

// Get Event objects in "latestPage" from "EventHistoryCollector"

// and no "traversl" further, so, no SelectionSpec is specified

objSpec.selectSet= new SelectionSpec[] { };

// ObjectSpecs are wrapped in an ObjectSpec array

ObjectSpec[] objSpecAry = new ObjectSpec[http://communities.vmware.com/community-document-picker.jspa?communityID=&subject=%5DobjSpecAry%3DnewObjectSpec%5B] ;

PropertyFilterSpec spec = new PropertyFilterSpec();

spec.propSet= propSpecAry;

spec.objectSet= objSpecAry;

return spec;


void handleUpdate(UpdateSet update)


ArrayList vmUpdates = new ArrayList();

PropertyFilterUpdate[] pfus = update.filterSet;

for (int pfui = 0; pfui < pfus.Length; ++pfui)


ObjectUpdate[] ous = pfus[pfui|http://communities.vmware.com/community-document-picker.jspa?communityID=&subject=pfui].objectSet;

for (int oui = 0; oui < ous.Length; ++oui)


if (ous[oui|http://communities.vmware.com/community-document-picker.jspa?communityID=&subject=oui].obj.type.Equals("EventHistoryCollector"))






if (vmUpdates.Count > 0)


Console.WriteLine("Virtual Machine updates:");

for (IEnumerator vmi = vmUpdates.GetEnumerator(); vmi.MoveNext(); )






void handleObjectUpdate(ObjectUpdate oUpdate)


PropertyChange[] pc = oUpdate.changeSet;

if (oUpdate.kind == ObjectUpdateKind.enter)


Console.WriteLine(" New Data:");



else if (oUpdate.kind == ObjectUpdateKind.leave)


Console.WriteLine(" Removed Data:");



else if (oUpdate.kind == ObjectUpdateKind.modify)


Console.WriteLine(" Changed Data:");




void handleChanges(PropertyChange[] changes)


for (int pci = 0; pci < changes.Length; ++pci)


String name = changes[pci|http://communities.vmware.com/community-document-picker.jspa?communityID=&subject=pci].name;

Object value = changes[pci|http://communities.vmware.com/community-document-picker.jspa?communityID=&subject=pci].val;

PropertyChangeOp op = changes[pci|http://communities.vmware.com/community-document-picker.jspa?communityID=&subject=pci].op;

//Console.WriteLine(" S----


//Console.WriteLine(" xProperty Name: " + name);

//Console.WriteLine(" xProperty Value name: " + value.GetType().Name);

//Console.WriteLine(" xProperty Value base name: " + value.GetType().BaseType.Name);

//Console.WriteLine(" E----


if (op != PropertyChangeOp.remove)


Console.WriteLine(" Property Name: " + name);

if (value.GetType().BaseType.Name == "VmEvent")


VmEvent anEvent = (VmEvent)value;

Console.WriteLine(" Event Type: " + anEvent.GetType().Name);

Console.WriteLine(" Event msg: " + anEvent.fullFormattedMessage);


else if (value.GetType().BaseType.Name == "Event")


Event anEvent = (Event)value;

Console.WriteLine(" Event Type: " + anEvent.GetType().Name);

Console.WriteLine(" Event msg: " + anEvent.fullFormattedMessage);


else if ("name".Equals(name))


Console.WriteLine(" " + value);




Console.WriteLine(" " + value.ToString());





Console.WriteLine("Property Name: " + name + " value removed.");




private void Check()


bool shouldRun = true;

string version = "";



UpdateSet update = cb.getConnection().Service.WaitForUpdates(propColl, version);

if (update != null && update.filterSet != null)



version = update.version;

System.Console.WriteLine(" Current Version: " + version);




System.Console.WriteLine("No update is present!");



while (shouldRun);


private static OptionSpec[] constructOptions() {

OptionSpec [] useroptions = new OptionSpec[1];

useroptions[0] = new OptionSpec("vmpath","String",1

,"A VM Inventory Path"


return useroptions;


public static void Main(String[] args) {

try {

VMEventHistoryCollectorMonitor eventMonitor = new VMEventHistoryCollectorMonitor();

cb = AppUtil.AppUtil.initialize("VMEventHistoryCollectorMonitor", VMEventHistoryCollectorMonitor.constructOptions(), args);



// eventMonitor.findVirtualMachine();




PropertyFilterSpec eventFilterSpec = eventMonitor.createEventFilterSpec();

propColl = cb.getConnection().PropCol;

propFilter = cb.getConnection().Service.CreateFilter(propColl, eventFilterSpec, true);




else {

Console.WriteLine("Virtual Machine not found from the vmPath specified");



Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit: ");



catch (Exception e) {

Console.WriteLine("Caught Exception : " +

" Name : " + e.Data.ToString() +

" Message : " + e.Message.ToString() +

" Trace : ");






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