VMware {code} Community

TreeView using VIPerlToolKit

My trying to script out a treeview for my infrastructure but can't seem to get it working right. Looking for an output like this:






Sub ResourcePool1


Sub ResourcePool2


Sub ResourcePool3



Sub ResourcePool1


Sub ResourcePool2


Sub ResourcePool3

The problem I'm having is with with find_entity_views and the entry points.

Here is what I have:

\# List Datacenters

my $datacenter_views = Vim::find_entity_views(view_type => 'Datacenter');

foreach (@$datacenter_views)


my $dc = $_;

my $datacenter = $_->name;

print "Datacenter: " . $datacenter . "\n";

  1. List Clusters

my $cluster_views = Vim::find_entity_views(view_type => 'ClusterComputeResource',begin_entity => $dc );

foreach (@$cluster_views) {

my $ccr = $_;

print "\t";

print $ccr->name;

print "\n";

my $resourcepool_views = Vim::find_entity_views(view_type => 'ResourcePool',begin_entity => $ccr );

foreach (@$resourcepool_views) {

my $rp = $_;

print "\t\t";

print $rp->name;

if ($rp->resourcePool) {

print ":Parent\n";

my $crp_views = Vim::find_entity_views(view_type => 'ResourcePool',begin_entity => $rp->parent);

foreach (@$crp_views) {

my $crp = $_;

print "\t\t\t";

print $crp->name;

print "\n";



print "\n";



looks like my ->parent is returning all resources, not just the children of the current resourcepool.

Any ideas?

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