VMware Cloud Community

vCACCAFEFilterParam having difficulty getting an "or" filter working to retrieve a subset of catalog resources

I'm trying to setup a filter to return a set of catalog resources where I filter on a subtenant and resourceType and then also an owner or list of owners.  I can't seem to get the filtering working correctly on more than one owner though.  I've got my code listed below.  I'm sure I'm missing something pretty basic but when I have more than one owner I seem to get all resources of any type for either of the users in any of the subtenants.  My goal is to return CatalogResources = subtenant and resourceType and (owner1 or owner2 or owner3 or... ownerX).

This is what I put together so far:

var conditions = new Array();

if (subtenant != null && subtenant != undefined) conditions.push(vCACCAFEFilterParam.equal("organization/subTenant/id", vCACCAFEFilterParam.string(subtenant.id)));

if (resourceType != "ALL") conditions.push(vCACCAFEFilterParam.equal("resourceType/name", vCACCAFEFilterParam.string(resourceType)));

if (owners != null && owners != undefined && owners != "") {

  var ownerGroupFilter = new Array();

  for each (var owner in owners.split(",")) {

    ownerGroupFilter.push(vCACCAFEFilterParam.substringOf("owners/ref", vCACCAFEFilterParam.string(owner)));


if (ownerGroupFilter.length > 1) {



else {




const pageSize = 100; // as of writing this code the max number the rest api returns is 100

var query = vCACCAFEOdataQuery.query();

if (conditions.length > 0 ) {

  var filter = new Array();

  filter[0] = vCACCAFEFilterParam.and(conditions);



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I've cobbled something together that is working but I'm still hoping there is an easier way to do this as I have a feeling with a bunch of user names I will hit some limit to the number of filters I can have stacked up.  But maybe this is the only way to do this?

var subtenantCondition = vCACCAFEFilterParam.equal("organization/subTenant/id", vCACCAFEFilterParam.string(subtenant.id));

var resourceTypeCondition = vCACCAFEFilterParam.equal("resourceType/name", vCACCAFEFilterParam.string(resourceType));

var filters = new Array(); // individual filter parameters

var filter = new Array(); // final array passed in as to query

for each (var owner in owners.split(",")) {

  var conditions = new Array();



  conditions.push(vCACCAFEFilterParam.substringOf("owners/ref", vCACCAFEFilterParam.string(owner)));




var query = vCACCAFEOdataQuery.query().addFilter(filter);

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