VMware Cloud Community

Change security context of scriptable task



I've got a powershell script that needs to bind to the vmware lab manager internal api with pre-supplied credentials.

I want the following to be automated;

1) to bind to the web service without manually adding credentials

2) to use the script from orchestrator

I've created a $credentials variable with a secure-string password from a encrypted text file.

When orchestrator runs the task, it uses the "SYSTEM" security context wich cannot read from the to secure string converted password file.

My Powershell Code:

to create the password file:

read-host -assecurestring | convertfrom-securestring | out-file password.txt (under a domain admin user security context)

fill $credential

$pass = cat password.txt | convertto-securestring

$credential = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist "<domain admin account>",$pass

create web service proxy

$server = "https://<server>/LabManager/SOAP/LabManagerInternal.asmx"

$proxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $server -credential $credential

Symptoms and problem

Under the domain admin account context the script works fine as intended.

When I run the script from a Orchestrator scriptable task; the powershell script returns following error:

"Convertto-SecureString : Key not valid for use in specified state.." etc..

The orchestrator instance of the powershell script, run under the SYSTEM account security context, cannot read the encrypted password file.


1) Does Orchestrator indeed run tasks under the security context of the SYSTEM account?

2) Is it possible to run an Orchestrator task under a different security context?

3) Has anybody found another solution for a similar problem?

Thanks in advance,

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