vCAT Workflow Examples

vCAT Workflow Examples

The vCloud Architecture Toolkit 3 (vCAT) features a section for “Tools & Add-ons.” Within that section are Workflow Examples, Software Tools, and Cloud Bursting. This document provides access to the Workflow Examples referenced in the vCAT. The file linked below provides the vCenter Orchestrator packages that contain those workflows. These are provided as a reference and starting point for your vCloud Automation and Software Defined Datacenter projects.

Prerequisites for using the workflow examples are documented in the Workflow Examples section of vCAT.  See each workflow example in the document for its specific requirements. The packages were designed and tested using vCO 5.1, vSphere 5.1, and vCloud Director 5.1. These files should not be installed on prior versions. Additionally, they require the updated plug-in for vCloud Director 5.1.

Workflow Example Documents/Packages:

com.vmware.coe.vcd51.notifications.package (Triggering Workflows with vCloud Notifications)

com.vmware.coe.vcd51.import.vcenterVMs.package (Automated Import of Virtual Machines to vCloud Director)

com.vmware.coe.vcd51.vapp.customdeploy.package (vCloud vApp Provisioning)


Where can i get the com.vmware.coe.cloudbursting.3.0.package for Auto-Scaling and Cloud Bursting.

Unfortunately you cannot. That package was developed using an unreleased build of an F5 plug-in.

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎08-20-2012 12:13 PM
Updated by: