VMware Cloud Community

JSON Payload for vRA SDK Sample Code - Unrecognized field "@type"

I'm working with the sample app for the rest api.  The sample app doesn't include the JSON file for the machine request payload.  I'm working from the "Programming Guide - vRA 6.2", and it gives a "JSON input file sample" for the machine request ( pg. 43 ).  

The sample JSON begins with 


"@type": "CatalogItemRequest",

"catalogItemRef": {

"id": "65fbca06-a28e-46f3-bced-c6e5fb3a66f9"


"organization": {

"tenantRef": "MYCOMPANY",

"subtenantRef": "cccd7a7e-5283-416b-beb0-45eb4e924dcb"



However, when I feed this to the sample code, the Jackson binding blows up saying:


Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "@type" (class com.vmware.vcac.catalog.rest.stubs.CatalogItemRequest), not marked as ignorable (30 known properties: , "



I removed the offending property and it works.  Is this just a mistake in the docs?  


"@type": "CatalogItemRequest",

"catalogItemRef": {

"id": "65fbca06-a28e-46f3-bced-c6e5fb3a66f9"


"organization": {

"tenantRef": "MYCOMPANY",

"subtenantRef": "cccd7a7e-5283-416b-beb0-45eb4e924dcb"


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