VMware Cloud Community

How to create a new reservation in vRO

Basically what the title says. We've been trying to find documentation for how to create a new reservation in vRealize Automation with a Orchestrator workflow, but the documentation and examples one can find online seem to be woefully lacking. Anyone have any basic code/workflow examples to help out?

14 Replies

Which version of vRA are you running?

0 Kudos

Using version 7.3.

0 Kudos
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

You can use REST API to create the reservation in vRealize Automation.Create a Reservation

0 Kudos

Hi,  This is very useful to you, please refer the following code. Here is the action to create a reservation:

* Create a Reservation
* Input parameters:
* String businessGroupName
* vCAC:vCACHost iaasHost
* String eSXIHostName
* String reservationName
* Integer memorySize
* Integer storageSize

// Name of model being used
var modelName = "ManagementModelEntities.svc";

// links to other tables / objects
var links = null;

// no headers needed
var headers = null;

//Get the Business Group Entity
// Entity set that maps to Business Group is called ProvisioningGroups
var entitySetName = "ProvisioningGroups";

// Create property object that contains input value: businessGroup
var properties = {GroupName:businessGroupName };

// Read/retrieve the existing Business Group entity; there should be exactly one
var businessGroupEntities =  vCACEntityManager.readModelEntitiesByCustomFilter(iaasHost.id, modelName, entitySetName, properties, null);

if (businessGroupEntities.length <= 0 ) {
System.error("Business Group: " + businessGroupName + " not found.");
  errorCode = businessGroupName + "does not exist";
  throw businessGroupName + "does not exist";

System.debug("Business Group");

//Get the eSXI Host entity
entitySetName = "Hosts";

// Create property object that contains input value: eSXIHostName
var properties = {HostName:eSXIHostName };

// Retrieve the existing Business Group entity; there should be exactly one
var eSXIHostEntities =  vCACEntityManager.readModelEntitiesByCustomFilter(iaasHost.id, modelName, entitySetName, properties, null);

if (eSXIHostEntities.length <= 0 ) {
System.error("eSIX Host: " + eSXIHostName + " not found.");
  errorCode = eSXIHostName + "does not exist";
  throw "No eSXI Host";


if (businessGroupEntities.length > 1 ) {
System.error("Business Group: " + businessGroupName + " found " + businessGroupEntities.length + " has duplicates, can't link to reservation");
  errorCode = businessGroupName + " has duplicates, can't link to reservation";
  throw ("Business Group: " + businessGroupName + " found " + businessGroupEntities.length + " ambigious, can't link to reservation");

System.debug("Found Business Group: " + businessGroupEntities[0].getProperty('GroupName'));

System.debug("Found eSXI Host: ", eSXIHostEntities[0].getProperty('HostID'));

//Create Reservation
entitySetName = "HostReservations";

links = {ProvisioningGroup:businessGroupEntities[0], Host:eSXIHostEntities[0] };
var headers = null;

var testResProperties = {

//Verify that no reservation exists with the same name for this business group
var existsRes = vCACEntityManager.readModelEntitiesByCustomFilter(iaasHost.id, modelName, entitySetName, testResProperties, null);
if (existsRes.length > 0 ) {
  System.error("Reservation : " + reservationName + " already exists; cannot create duplicate");
  throw ("Reservation : " + reservationName + " already exists; cannot create duplicate");

// hard-coded for testing; should become input fields
var reservationProperties = {

// create the Reservation
var resEntity = vCACEntityManager.createModelEntity(iaasHost.id, modelName, entitySetName, reservationProperties, links, headers);

// check Reservation entity created
if (resEntity == null ) {
  System.error("ERROR: Reservation Entity " + reservationName + " not created");
  throw("Create reservation " + reservationName + " failed");
//Verify reservation by retrieving entity
var testRes = vCACEntityManager.readModelEntitiesByCustomFilter(iaasHost.id, modelName, entitySetName, reservationProperties, null);

if (testRes.length < 1 )
  System.error("ERROR: Reservation Entity " + reservationName + " not found");

//Return the new Reservation
System.log("Created Reservation: " + reservationName);
return (resEntity);


Hi,  This is very useful to you, please refer the following code.


* Create a Reservation   *


* Input parameters:


* String reservationPolicyName

* Attributes parameters


* String allocatedStoragePathLabel

* String businessGroupName

* String computeResourceName

* String networkName

* String networkProfile

* String reservationName

* String eSXIHostName

* String resourcePoolName

* vCAC:vCACHost iaasHost

* vCACCAFE:VCACHost cafeHost

* Integer memorySize

* Integer storageSize



var tenantName = cafeHost.tenant;

computeResourceName = getCaseSensitiveComputeResourceName(iaasHost, computeResourceName);


var cafeReservation = getReservationForComputeResource(cafeHost, computeResourceName);

if(cafeReservation == null){

var reservationTypeId = "Infrastructure.Reservation.Virtual.vSphere";

//var allocatedMemorySize = getComputeResourceMemorySize(iaasHost, computeResourceName);

//var allocatedStorageSize = getStorageFullSize(iaasHost, allocatedStoragePathLabel);

// Client and Services

var cafeReservationClient = cafeHost.createReservationClient();

var reservationService = cafeReservationClient.getReservationReservationService();

var businessGroup = getBusinessGroupByName(cafeHost, businessGroupName)

var businessGroupID = businessGroup.getId();

// Reservation Specification

cafeReservation = new vCACCAFEReservation();





var reservationPolicyId = getReservationPolicyIdByPolicyName(iaasHost, reservationPolicyName)




// Reservation Arets

var alertPrecentageDefaultValue = 80

var reservationAlertPolicy = new vCACCAFEAlertPolicy()


var storageAlert = new vCACCAFEAlert();



var memoryAlert = new vCACCAFEAlert();



var cpuAlert = new vCACCAFEAlert();



var machineAlert = new vCACCAFEAlert();



System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vcaccafe.util").addElementToList(reservationAlertPolicy,"getAlerts", storageAlert);

System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vcaccafe.util").addElementToList(reservationAlertPolicy,"getAlerts", memoryAlert);

System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vcaccafe.util").addElementToList(reservationAlertPolicy,"getAlerts", cpuAlert);

System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vcaccafe.util").addElementToList(reservationAlertPolicy,"getAlerts", machineAlert);


// Set Extension Data

var computeResourceLiteral = buildComputeResource(iaasHost, computeResourceName);

var machineQuota = new vCACCAFEIntegerLiteral(0);

var memoryToAllocateLiteral =  buildMemoryLiteral(memorySize);

var storageReservationPathLiteral = buildReservationStorageMultiLiteral(iaasHost, computeResourceName, allocatedStoragePathLabel, 0, storageSize);

var networkLiteral = buildNetworksMultiLiteral(iaasHost,computeResourceName, networkName, networkProfile);

var extData = new vCACCAFELiteralMap();

extData.put("computeResource", computeResourceLiteral);

extData.put("machineQuota", machineQuota);

extData.put("reservationMemory", memoryToAllocateLiteral);

extData.put("reservationStorages", storageReservationPathLiteral);

extData.put("reservationNetworks", networkLiteral);



cafeReservation = getReservationByName(cafeHost, reservationName);

System.log("Reservation with name " + reservationName + " created successfully.")



function getCaseSensitiveComputeResourceName(infrastructureHost, targetComputeResourceName){

var modelName = 'ManagementModelEntities.svc';

var entitySetName = "Hosts";

var computeResourceEntities = vCACEntityManager.readModelEntitiesByCustomFilter(infrastructureHost.id, modelName, entitySetName, null, null);

for each(var computeResourceEntity in computeResourceEntities){

var caseSensitiveComputeResourceName = computeResourceEntity.getProperty("HostName");

if(caseSensitiveComputeResourceName.toUpperCase() == targetComputeResourceName.toUpperCase()){

return caseSensitiveComputeResourceName;



throw("No compute resource with name " + targetComputeResourceName + " was found");


function getReservationForComputeResource(tenantCafeHost, computeResource){

System.log("Search for reservation for compute resource " + computeResource);

var reservationClient = tenantCafeHost.createReservationClient();

var reservationService = reservationClient.getReservationReservationService();

var tenantReservationPagedResources = reservationService.getAllReservations(null);

var targetReservation;

for each(var reservation in tenantReservationPagedResources.getContent()){

var extensionData = reservation.getExtensionData();

var reservationComputeResource = extensionData.get("computeResource").getLabel();

System.log("reservation " + reservation.name);

System.log("computeResource " + reservationComputeResource);


return targetReservation;


function getReservationByName(tenantCafeHost, name){

System.log("Search for reservation with name " + name);

var reservationClient = tenantCafeHost.createReservationClient();

var reservationService = reservationClient.getReservationReservationService();

var tenantReservationPagedResources = reservationService.getAllReservations(null);

for each(var reservation in tenantReservationPagedResources.getContent()){

System.log("Reservation " + reservation.getName())

if(reservation.getName().toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()){

return reservation;



return null;


function getReservationPolicyIdByPolicyName(vcacHost, policyName){

var reservationPolicyEntity = getInfrastructureManagementModelEntityByProperty(vcacHost, "HostReservationPolicies", "name", policyName);

var policyId = null;

if(reservationPolicyEntity != null){

System.log("Reservation policy with name  " + policyName + " found.");

policyId = reservationPolicyEntity.getProperty("id");


return policyId;


function getBusinessGroupByName(cafehost, groupName){

var groups = vCACCAFEEntitiesFinder.getSubtenants(cafeHost);

for each(var group in groups){

if(group.getName() == groupName){

return group;



throw "Business group with name " + groupName + " was not found"


function buildComputeResource(vcacHost, computeResource){

var id = getComputeResourceIdByComputeResourceName(vcacHost, computeResource);

System.log("Compute Resource with properties: name= " + computeResource + " / id= " + id + " found.")

var componentId = null;

var classId = "ComputeResource";

var entityReference = new vCACCAFEEntityReference(componentId, classId, id, computeResource) ;

System.log("buildComputeResource successfull");

return entityReference;


function getComputeResourceIdByComputeResourceName(vcacHost, resourceName){

var computeResourceEntity = getInfrastructureManagementModelEntityByProperty(vcacHost, "Hosts", "HostName", resourceName);

if(computeResourceEntity != null){

System.log("Compute Resource with name  " + resourceName + " found.");


System.log("Compute Resource with name" + resourceName + " not found.");


return computeResourceEntity.getProperty("HostID");;


function buildMemoryLiteral(memoryReservedSize){

var literalMap = new vCACCAFELiteralMap() ;

literalMap.put("memoryReservedSizeMb", new vCACCAFEIntegerLiteral(memoryReservedSize));

var componentTypeId = "com.vmware.csp.iaas.blueprint.service";

var componentId = null

var classId = "Infrastructure.Reservation.Memory";

var typeFilter = null;

var memoryLiteral = new vCACCAFEComplexLiteral(componentTypeId , componentId , classId , typeFilter, literalMap);

return memoryLiteral;


function buildComplexStoragePathLiteral(vcacHost, computeResourceHostName, storagePathLabel, storageReservationPrio, sizeGB){

var literalMap =  new vCACCAFELiteralMap();

literalMap.put("storagePath", getStoragePathEntityReferenceLiteral(vcacHost, computeResourceHostName, storagePathLabel));

literalMap.put("storageReservationPriority", new vCACCAFEIntegerLiteral(storageReservationPrio)) ;

literalMap.put("storageReservedSizeGB", new vCACCAFEIntegerLiteral(sizeGB));

literalMap.put("storageEnabled", vCACCAFEBooleanLiteral.fromBoolean(true)) ;

var componentTypeId = "com.vmware.csp.iaas.blueprint.service";

var componentId = null;

var classId = "Infrastructure.Reservation.Storage";

var typeFilter = null;

var storagePathComplexLiteral = new vCACCAFEComplexLiteral(componentTypeId, componentId, classId, typeFilter, literalMap);

return storagePathComplexLiteral;


function buildReservationStorageMultiLiteral(vcacHost, computeResourceHostName, storagePathLabel, storageReservationPrio, sizeGB){

var storagePathLiteralMap = buildComplexStoragePathLiteral(vcacHost, computeResourceHostName, storagePathLabel, storageReservationPrio, sizeGB);

var complexArray =  new Array();


var typeID = vCACCAFEDataTypeId.valueOf("COMPLEX") ;

var multiLiteral = new vCACCAFEMultipleLiteral(complexArray, typeID);

System.log("buildReservationStorage successfull")

return  multiLiteral;


function getStoragePathEntityReferenceLiteral(vcacHost, computeResourceHostName, computeResource){

var id = getStoragePathIdByStoragePathLabel(vcacHost, computeResourceHostName, computeResource);

System.log("Storage Path ID " + id)

var componentId = null;

var classId = "Storage";

var entityReference = new vCACCAFEEntityReference(componentId, classId, id, computeResource);

return entityReference;


function getStoragePathIdByStoragePathLabel(vcacHost, computeResourceHostName, storagePathLabel){

var hostToStorages = getInfrastructureManagementModelEntitiesByProperty(vcacHost, "HostToStorage", "StoragePath", storagePathLabel);

var hostToStorage = null;

for each(var hostToStorageEntity in hostToStorages){

var host = hostToStorageEntity.getLink(vcacHost, "Host")[0];

if(host.getProperty("HostName") == computeResourceHostName){

hostToStorage = hostToStorageEntity;




if(hostToStorage != null){

System.log("Storage with storage path " + hostToStorage.getProperty("StoragePath") + " found.");


System.log("Storage with storage path " + storagePath + " not found.");


return hostToStorage.getProperty("HostToStorageID");


function buildComplexNetworkLiteral(vcacHost, computeResourceHostName, netLabel, netProfileLabel){

var literalMap =  new vCACCAFELiteralMap();

literalMap.put("networkPath", getNetworkPathEntityReference(vcacHost, computeResourceHostName, netLabel));

literalMap.put("networkProfile", getNetworkProfileEntityReference(vcacHost, netProfileLabel));

var componentTypeId = "com.vmware.csp.iaas.blueprint.service";

var componentId = null;

var classId = "Infrastructure.Reservation.Network";

var typeFilter = null;

return new vCACCAFEComplexLiteral(componentTypeId, componentId, classId, typeFilter, literalMap);


function buildNetworksMultiLiteral(vcacHost, computeResourceHostName, netLabel, netProfileLabel){

var complexNetworkLiteral = buildComplexNetworkLiteral(vcacHost, computeResourceHostName, netLabel, netProfileLabel);

var complexArray =  new Array();


var typeID = vCACCAFEDataTypeId.valueOf("COMPLEX") ;

var networkMultiLiteral = new vCACCAFEMultipleLiteral(complexArray, typeID);

System.log("buildNetworkLiteral successfull")

return  networkMultiLiteral;


function getNetworkPathEntityReference(vcacHost, computeResourceHostName, netLabel){

var id = getNetworkId(vcacHost, netLabel, computeResourceHostName);

System.log("Network ["+netLabel+"] id = " + id);

var componentId = null;

var classId = "Network";

var entityReference = new vCACCAFEEntityReference(componentId, classId, id, netLabel);

return entityReference;


function getNetworkProfileEntityReference(vcacHost, netProfileLabel){

var id = getNetworkProfileIdByLabel(vcacHost, netProfileLabel);

var entityReference =null;


var componentId = null;

var classId = "NetworkProfile";

entityReference = new vCACCAFEEntityReference(componentId, classId, id, netProfileLabel);


return entityReference;


function getNetworkId(vcacHost, netLabel, computeResourceHostName){

var networks = getInfrastructureManagementModelEntitiesByProperty(vcacHost, "HostNics", "HostNicName", netLabel);

var resultNetwork = null;

for each(var network in networks){

var host = network.getLink(vcacHost, "Host")[0];

var hostName = host.getProperty("HostName");

if(hostName.toLowerCase() == computeResourceHostName.toLowerCase()){

resultNetwork = network;




if(resultNetwork == null){

throw("No network with name [" + netLabel + "] was found for compute resource [" + computeResourceHostName +"]");


return resultNetwork.getProperty("HostNicID");


function getNetworkProfileIdByLabel(vcacHost, netProfileLabel){

var networkProfile = getInfrastructureManagementModelEntityByProperty(vcacHost, "StaticIPv4NetworkProfiles", "StaticIPv4NetworkProfileName", netProfileLabel);

var id = null;

if(networkProfile != null){

System.log("Netowork profile with name " + netProfileLabel + " found.");

id = networkProfile.getProperty("ID");


System.log("Netowork profile with name " + netProfileLabel + " not found.");


return id;


function getInfrastructureManagementModelEntitiesByProperty(vcacHost, entityType, propertyName, propertyValue){

var modelName = 'ManagementModelEntities.svc';

var entitySetName = entityType;

var inputProperties = new Properties();

inputProperties.put(propertyName, propertyValue );

return vCACEntityManager.readModelEntitiesByCustomFilter(vcacHost.id, modelName, entitySetName, inputProperties, null);


function getInfrastructureManagementModelEntityByProperty(vcacHost, entityType, propertyName, propertyValue){

var modelName = 'ManagementModelEntities.svc';

var entitySetName = entityType;

var inputProperties = new Properties();

inputProperties.put(propertyName, propertyValue);

return getInfrastructureManagementModelEntitiesByProperty(vcacHost, entityType, propertyName, propertyValue)[0];


function getInfrastructureManagementModelEntities(vcacHost, entityType, inputProperties){

var modelName = 'ManagementModelEntities.svc';

var entitySetName = entityType;

return vCACEntityManager.readModelEntitiesByCustomFilter(vcacHost.id, modelName, entitySetName, inputProperties, null);


Hot Shot
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Thx @

0 Kudos
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Hot Shot

Other question Smiley Happy

I don't understand this function :

function getReservationForComputeResource(tenantCafeHost, computeResource){

    System.log("Search for reservation for compute resource " + computeResource);

    var reservationClient = tenantCafeHost.createReservationClient();

    var reservationService = reservationClient.getReservationReservationService();

    var tenantReservationPagedResources = reservationService.getAllReservations(null);

    var targetReservation;

    for each(var reservation in tenantReservationPagedResources.getContent()){

        var extensionData = reservation.getExtensionData();

        var reservationComputeResource = extensionData.get("computeResource").getLabel();

        System.log("reservation " + reservation.name);

        System.log("computeResource " + reservationComputeResource);



    return targetReservation;


It's just a debug ?

0 Kudos

Thanks a lot for this, works like a charm with 7.3.1, I hope VMware builds a script into the default library that comes with the vRA Plugin...
Hot Shot
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thx for your feedback Smiley Happy

We wish a 7.4 or 8.0 version of vRA/vRO but a 7.3.1 version with these element is pretty cool Smiley Wink

0 Kudos
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Hot Shot

Hi guys 😉


Do you know how to retrieve ResourcePoolID linked to a vCenter Cluster from vRO ?



Thx for your help.

0 Kudos

The result of this function is used to check if the reservation isn't already created, only the output is never set.

However, I think this is not intended, and that the getReservationForComputeResource function is indeed only for debugging purposes.

The check

var cafeReservation = getReservationForComputeResource(cafeHost, computeResourceName);

if (cafeReservation == null) {



will always be true and can be replaced by

var cafeReservation = getReservationByName(cafeHost, reservationName);

if (cafeReservation == null) {



0 Kudos

Has anyone been able to successfully create a VRO workflow from this script?  I've been grinding away at it for 6 hours without success.  I'm concerned I may be working with a script that doesn't actually work (no offense to the author; a lot has changed in vra/vro).  Thanks
0 Kudos

Finally got the 2nd script working with the exception of the Resource Pool.  The attribute resourcePoolName is set in the script but never applied to the new reservation.  Additionally, I need to set a custom property, any guidance is appreciated.
0 Kudos

Hi ymichalak​ , hi kumar6384​,

Thanks for the script, it works very well!

However, I can't adapt the script so that I can add two (or more) storages to the reservation.

Could one of you customize the script to include multiple storages or networks in the new reservation?

0 Kudos