VMware Cloud Community

Bug Report: Daily cost calculations fail/wrong after changing lease of an existing item

First time deploying of a catalog item from blueprint with following information works correct in daily cost calculations:

Example (All Info in Screenshots below):

Blueprint name:         BP-ProdInt-Postnetz-EH-Win7

Item Name:                      vca005

Num CPUs:                      2

Memory:                          4096

Storage:                           100

Daily cost Blueprint:       1.50

Daily Cost Calculation (According Information from Screens and setup below):

Blueprint Fix Cost:         0001 x 1.500 0              1.50

CPU Cost:                       0002 x 0.100 0              0.20

Memory Cost:                 0004 x 0.100 0              0.40

Storage Cost:                  0100 x 0.0150              1.50

Total Daily Cost:                                                  3.60

Correct item Details after initial (first) deployment/request:


Blueprint Details (of request above):

pic02.png  pic03.png

Reservation Details (of request above):

pic04.png pic05.png

Cost Profile Details (of request above):

Compute Resource Details (of request above):


Error Production (change lease causes wrong daily cost):

Machine vca005 is provisioned correctly and daily costs match above rules of Blueprint and Cost profiles and compute resources information.

Correct Daily Cost Calculation after initial/first deployment/request of item:

Blueprint Fix Cost:         0001 x 1.500 0              1.50

CPU Cost:                       0002 x 0.100 0              0.20

Memory Cost:                 0004 x 0.100 0              0.40

Storage Cost:                  0100 x 0.0150              1.50

Total Daily Cost:                                                  3.60


Now Taking correctly provisioned machine vca005 and selecting change lease.


Change lease to one month ahead


Successfully execution of lese change request.


Request succeeds But daily cost is calculated wrong now. It changes from 3.60 which would be correct to 1.50. I assume now the blueprint fixed cost is taken only into calculations. All CPU, MEM and storage costs are ignored and not added to the blueprint fixed cost. Due to incorrect daily cost, also Lease Cost and Cost to Date are calculated wrong.




Anyone able to reproduce/confirm this issue

Kind Regards,


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2 Replies

What version are you running?

If you remove the blueprint cost, does the same test allow it to calculate properly?

Our costs are calculating correctly when leases change on v 6.2, but we are not using the Blueprint cost field.  (instead we baked extra costs into infrastructure on the front end... which may be less than ideal for some, but works okay for us)

Edit: Turns out we are not using Storage Cost Profiles either...  We are adding the Storage Cost (per GB) into the Reservation.

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Hi Sean sorry. We are using Version 6.2. But this Bug is there and can be reproduced since Version 6.0 and was never fixed. I also opened a SR by now. Removing blueprint costs chages the daily cost to 0.00 when changing the lease, which confirms my theory. Yes indeed we are also handling costs through vRO and have some custom fields. That's our work around. But it's annoying when users see the costs in the UI and are asking strange questions why they changed to less and they are charged another amount. So i think VMware should have a look at it. Especially when the features are there and can be used, they have to work the way they should. My opinion. Regards Sven

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