VMware Cloud Community

what port need to be open for the update manager in vc25 to work ?

I have installed the VC25 and update manager and change the update manager to use my proxy server as internet access.

But it is not working do to that some custom ports need to be open between the proxy server and VMware update download server.

I can see that it try to use port 7004 tcp to the host "vip-patchmgmtwlc.vmware.com" !! is there other ports also ?????




My proxy is not allow to access the internet on port 7004 and to change this i have to call a external security company there is doing it for us(because of high security)

So i need to know what are the IP numbers and port numbers that the VMware update system is using ?????????????

Thomas Bøjstrup Johansen Any comment or statements is my own and have no relationship to my workplace
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