VMware Cloud Community

Installed new vCenter server but uses same database and have license problems


I had some problems with a server so I installed a new one with vCenter server, but I uses the same Database. When I was going to license it i got a info that the old server is still using the license in the database so I cant add the new one. How and where can I remove the old server so the license is free´d up for the new server?

I have vSphere4.


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2 Replies

I'm not quite sure I understand. Do you have to active connections from two different vCenter Servers into the same DB instance?

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Well.. i have 1 instance for my licensekey... but since the old server.. ServerA already used that single license I cannot add a second server.. ServerB to the same vCenter. So what vCenter thinks is that i have two vCenter servers, but I only have one active. So I want to move the license from ServerA to ServerB. The database is in my SQL server and the services for vCenter is now on ServerB.

Was that better?

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