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  • 1.  Chnage Virtual Machine ID

    Posted Mar 06, 2011 11:11 AM

    is it possible to change a virtual machine ID? we have been using veeam to replicate some VM's this host with the replica's was removed from virtual center and added back in again. Now none of the veeam jobs work.

    Looking at the logs it appears veeam uses a virtual machine ID, not the name. Or it could be the local datastore ID's which are now differnent which veeam cant pickup

    any ideas?

  • 2.  RE: Chnage Virtual Machine ID

    Posted Mar 06, 2011 12:14 PM

    You can modify Veeam jobs to add the new VM.

    Changing the VM UUID require to poweroff the VM, remove from inventory, edit the vmx file, re-add to the inventory, power on again.

    But I'm not sure that is a supported practice.


  • 3.  RE: Chnage Virtual Machine ID

    Posted Mar 06, 2011 12:34 PM

    I have been looking at he veeam forums and it seems someone else had a problem like this when they cretaed a new VC

    Veeam's reply at the time of 2009 was that there is no way to get veeam to pickup the replicas and you had to recreate the job again :smileysad: