VMware Cloud Community

Can't get access to my vCenter Server anymore

Hello guys,

I've experienced something unusual for me.

When I tried to accede to my vCenter server through the vSphere Client, it failed. When I ping the vCenter, it's successful.

Also, it was impossible to open a console.

What I've done was to shut down the guest OS. But when trying to start the vCenter, i got a message "General Error, unable to power on guest" something like that.

Fortunately, I created a clone of my vCenter Server; I'm now able to carry on my work.

But, I still don't understand what could cause such a problem.

Did someone experience it?

Thanks for your feedback.

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1 Reply

It could be a multitude of things causing this issue and will likely require some troubleshooting to figure out what.  have you seen this kb, http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2001005?   It will point you in the right direction to go.  

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