VMware Cloud Community

Oracle backend Setup

So I pointed our DBA to http://support.hyperic.com/display/DOC/Set+Up+Oracle when setting up a trial instance of Hyperic and he came back with several questions.

1. Does Hyperic really require 52GB in table space and 6GB of redo logs or are these just extremely over-engineered numbers?
2. Why does the database user need the CONNECT role? Apparently CONNECT has been deprecated and only actually grants 'create session' which our DB user already has.
3. How are the database priv checks done? We are consistently getting the error:

User MYUSER does not have the required privileges on database: jdbc:oracle:thin:@mydb.host:1234:MYDB
CONNECT or DBA role is required.
FATAL EXCEPTION at /my/hyperic/hyperic-hq-installer/installer-4.1.1/data/setup.xml:336: : The following error occurred while executing this line:
/my/hyperic/hyperic-hq-installer/installer-4.1.1/data/setup.xml:271: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/my/hyperic/hyperic-hq-installer/installer-4.1.1/data/setup.xml:392: ^^^ERROR:\
User edalquist does not have the required privileges on database: jdbc:oracle:thin:@mydb.host:1234:MYDB
CONNECT or DBA role is required.

Message was edited by: edalquist
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