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  • 1.  Future of Hyperic

    Posted Jul 20, 2016 08:39 AM

    As Vrops now includes EPO which seems to duplicate a lot of features of Hyperic, I wonder what people think the future of hyperic is?


  • 2.  RE: Future of Hyperic

    Posted Jul 20, 2016 04:46 PM

    End of life for Hyperic is December 2017.

    There will be 1 more big release with a afew maintenance releases after but that's about it.

    At this time EPO doesn't offer point for point monitoring that my organization uses so we're evaluating some of our other monitoring solutions.

    I believe the monitoring it offers as of now is limited to OS, apache tomcat, sql server, postgres, IIS, AD, tc Server. found in and that won't work for us.

  • 3.  RE: Future of Hyperic

    Posted Jul 22, 2016 06:09 PM

    evolex‌, do you mind telling me where do you get the end-of-life information of Hyperic?

  • 4.  RE: Future of Hyperic

  • 5.  RE: Future of Hyperic

    Posted Jul 25, 2016 08:39 PM

    Tech Support Rep.

  • 6.  RE: Future of Hyperic

    Posted Aug 03, 2016 07:12 AM

    I have a question here,

    Are there going to be a replacement / alternatives for Hyperic?

  • 7.  RE: Future of Hyperic

    Posted Oct 14, 2016 12:22 PM

    What alternatives have you evaluated so far?

    We are in the same situation and have had a POC for Icynga, Zabbix and CA UIM. Looking to have a couple more so my company can sign off on the solution we look to replace Hyperic with next year?

  • 8.  RE: Future of Hyperic

    Posted Oct 18, 2016 02:22 PM

    We are migrating to Zabbix. So far so good.

    We looked into Icinga 2 and Nagios. But Zabbix server was straightforward to configure and agents are easy to deploy. Lots of community support / plugins.

  • 9.  RE: Future of Hyperic

    Posted Aug 03, 2016 07:53 PM

    I know 5.8.6 is coming soon and the 5.8.x is the end of the line. However, it looks like Vrops has a very small fraction of what Hyperic monitors. Tech support also told me the vrops agent is based on the Hyperic agent but is "less robust". So far all that I have heard is that Blue Medora will provide a lot of plugins for Vrops. No one, including tech support or VMware sales, can give my company a straight answer as to exactly what is supported monitoring wise in Vrops other than the link to the Blue Medora and solution exchange page. However I was told there is no timeline as to when there will be 1:1 and there is no automated way or upgrade process to transition Hyperic to Vrops. We already have Vrops deployed but it just shows data populated by Hyperic and some by solarwinds.

    What other solutions are you guys using other than Vrops??