VMware Cloud Community

Errors with Windows Service

I'm trying to track a Windows service. Saving the configuration gives the error:

The configuration has not been set for this resource due to : Invalid configuration: Error retrieving value: Failed to invoke getProcMem[Pid.Service.eq=Albd]: No such process: Pid.Service.eq=Albd

Running sigar I can see the service:

E:\Program Files\hyperic-hq-agent-3.1.1>java -jar pdk\lib\sigar.jar
Loaded rc file: E:\Program Files\hyperic-hq-agent-3.1.1\pdk\lib\.sigar_shellrc
sigar> ps Pid.Service.eq=Albd
412 ??? Oct14 56M 7.8M - R 0:0 E:\Program Files

This is an agent running on Win2K3 Server, and the server running on RHEL
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