VMware Cloud Community

Anyone using Multi Log Tracker 1.0?

Is anyone using the server resource called Multi Log Tracker 1.0?  I am trying to look for errors in Informatica logs and there are MANY logs in one folder.  I thought this would be the answer.  My problem is making a Java Regular Expression.  I need it for the "includepattern" value, it is a required field.  Has anyone done this?  Is anyone good with Java expressions?  I don't understand them.



Multi Log Tracker 1.0 Help Section

The Multi Log Tracker 1.0 plugin monitors and tails several log files using the Apache ant Directory Scanner

  • basedir - Base directory to scan per the logfilepattern option. This directory must exist and be readable by the agent user. No wildcards go into this field.
  • logfilepattern - Comma separated list of file patterns to scan. Uses the apache ant Directory Scanner, see examples below.
  • includepattern - Regular expression that matches against each line of the tailed output. This option is not case sensitive. Any matching line will be sent to the HQ Server. For more information on java regular expresssion see Java Regular Expressions.
  • excludepattern - Regular expression that will be excluded from all pattern matching. This option is not case sensitive. Any matching line will not be sent to the HQ Server and will override the includepattern. For more information on java regular expresssion see Java Regular Expressions.
  • includepattern_2 - A second, optional, include pattern.
  • excludepattern_2 - A second, optional, exclude pattern which offsets includepattern_2.
  • enable_only_metrics - Do not send logs to the HQ Server, only collect metrics.
  • override_file_checks - By default if files do not match the file pattern then validation will fail. This option overrides that behavior.
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The link above to Java expressions is an active link and the info there is a foreign language to me.  The "concrete" example below looks much simpler.  I'll see if I can get something like that to work, but if anyone with experience with this would like to chime in, please do!!  Thanks.

Examples of the logfilepattern option:

**\*.class - matches all .class files/dirs in a directory tree.
test\a??.java - matches all files/dirs which start with an 'a', then two more characters and then ".java", in a directory called test.
** - matches everything in a directory tree.
**\test\**\XYZ* - matches all files/dirs which start with "XYZ" and where there is a parent directory called test (e.g. "abc\test\def\ghi\XYZ123").

Concrete Example of the options working together:

Matches any file in any subdirectory of /var/log that match the name messages* or *log
includepattern=error|warn|too many threads running
Files which match this combination of options:

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