VMware Cloud Community

vshpere automation api for deploy vm template

hi there,

I have problem with deploying VM from content library. when I use this api​, a confusing error occurs. if the item in the content library located in a datastore that doesn't belong to the destination host(all datastores are in the same datacenter. ), this error returns:


    "type": "com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.resource_inaccessible",

    "value": {

        "messages": [


                "args": [

                    "Unable to access virtual disk 'Hard disk 1' from the host. Either the host is disconnected from the datastore or has insufficient privilege. Details: Unable to access file [datastore1]"


                "default_message": "The operation failed due to Unable to access virtual disk 'Hard disk 1' from the host. Either the host is disconnected from the datastore or has insufficient privilege. Details: Unable to access file [datastore1]",

                "id": "com.vmware.vdcs.util.resource_not_accessible"





my request is:


          "spec": {

          "description": "Vm created",

          "disk_storage": {

          "datastore": "datastore-52"


     "hardware_customization": {

          "cpu_update": {

          "num_cores_per_socket": 1,

          "num_cpus": "4"


     "memory_update": {

          "memory": 4096



     "name": "solid",

     "placement": {

     "host": "host-9",

     "folder": "group-v3"


     "powered_on": false



when I use this action with vsphere web client every things is ok.

what should i do?

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