VMware Cloud Community

VMware-ESXi-7.0U1-16850804-depot.zip - Failed to download VIB. url = esx-base-7.0.1-0.0.16850804

Is the whole QA now at vacation?

[root@esx:~] uname -a

VMkernel esx.vmware.local 7.0.0 #1 SMP Release build-16324942 Jun  2 2020 10:08:07 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 ESXi

[root@esx:~] esxcli software vib update --depot=/vmfs/volumes/storage/updates/VMware-ESXi-7.0U1-16850804-depot.zip

Failed to download VIB.
        url = esx-base-7.0.1-0.0.16850804
  localfile = Unable to download VIB from any of the URLs zip:/vmfs/volumes/storage/updates/VMware-ESXi-7.0U1-16850804-depot.zip?vib20/esx-base/VMware_bootbank_esx-base_7.0.1-0
Please refer to the log file for more details.

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5 Replies

This was ​literally​ just released. Have some patience and try again later.

0 Kudos

well, the download likely won't change "later" and i expect it at least to be tested as installable, that stuff is released wihout at least reboot and look if networkhardware from the HCL is still up is already sucked by me (HP packs some drivers and send them to VMware in the ope they look if it's working VMware says "we got that from the hardware vendor, and no we don#t look if it works at all"

0 Kudos

> This was literally just released. Have some patience and try again later.

well, later is now, fresh download
luckily it's just a nesteed ESXi on top of VMware Workstation and i don't plan production upgrades until next summer
anyways, surrounded by idiots no matter what

[root@esx:~] esxcli software vib update --depot=/vmfs/volumes/storage/updates/VMware-ESXi-7.0U1-16850804-depot.zip

Failed to download VIB.
        url = esx-base-7.0.1-0.0.16850804
  localfile = Unable to download VIB from any of the URLs zip:/vmfs/volumes/storage/updates/VMware-ESXi-7.0U1-16850804-depot.zip?vib20/esx-base/VMware_bootbank_esx-base_7.0.1-0
Please refer to the log file for more details.

0 Kudos

well, with the iso image it works - nice on a nested setup - unacceptable on real server hardware which takes ages to reboot twice for reasons only god knows

0 Kudos

well, that happens when a virtual machine is still powered on which was no problem before 7.0 - did you exchange the vmkernel by microsoft windows or are you just kidding me and why can't you just say what is the reason like any other developer out there can when whatever condition (even if the is no good reason for it) is not as it should be?

"Failed to download VIB. url = esx-base-7.0.1-0.0.16850804" for "you need to power off or migrate away every guest" is a joke and "Failed to download" is complete nonsense at all given that the VIB is already downloaded at that point

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