VMware Cloud Community

Having multiple AD sources.

Author : Doreen Kasson

URL : http:////docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/6.5/com.vmware.vsphere.install.doc/GUID-7C9A1E23-7FCD-429...

Topic Name : About vSphere Installation and Setup

Publication Name : vSphere Installation and Setup

Product/Version : VMware vSphere/6.5

Question :

I have connected my PSC vapp to an AD domain, that is part of a multi forest domain. Then I went to single sign on, configuration and added an identity source to use the machine account. This allowed me to add people to the login. Now I would like to add another identity source from another 2 way trust domain, but it errors saying that I already have a source. Is this not possible. Just that I cannot use LDAPS, as it is a known issue and will not be fixed until December sometime.

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1 Reply


You can have only one Identity Source configured as Integrated Windows Authentication.

However you can have multiple Identity Sources configured as Active Directory as LDAP Server.

Also if your PSC is located in parent AD domain and you have trust relationships with child domains you should be available to see users from them.

Check KB article about supported AD configurations VMware Knowledge Base

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