VMware Cloud Community

Deploy VMs from template PowerCLI Script

Hi Team,

Could you please me is there any PowerCLI script for deploy VM from template.

Thanks advance



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1 Reply

Here is a working script I wrote that uses the data from a CSV to create VM's.

You must already have created a customization spec and the template VM first though.

The CSV file is this:


testVM1192.168.1.2255.255.240.0192.168.1.1192.168.1.7192.168.1.8testVMHost.domain.localtestVMTemplatetest VM ClustertestCustomizationSpectest Datastore
testVM2192.168.1.3255.255.240.0192.169.1.1192.168.1.7192.168.1.8testVMHost.domain.localtestVMTemplatetest VM ClustertestCustomizationSpectest Datastore

The script:

Disclaimer crap: Use at your own risk I'm not responsibe if anything breaks so test this first.

#Script by Jose Rodriguez 

#Yeah this doesn't comply with any standards but it gets the job done. 

#This is by no means perfect. This is the first working version of the script

#Creates VM's based on data from a CSV file

#~I'm just an IT enthusiast with no certs, no degrees, no training, in any of this crap, but I know my around google so that's all that matters. -Jose Rodriguez~ 


$newVMs = import-csv "C:\pathtoCSVFile.csv"

$server = 'testvSphereServerName'

#Get Credentials if not exist

if($cred -eq $null){

$cred = Get-Credential


Connect-VIServer -Server $server -Credential $cred

$a = @()

foreach($vm in $newVMs){

    Write-host "Deploying VM " -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewline; Write-Host $vm.name -ForegroundColor Yellow

    get-OScustomizationspec $vm.csm -server $server | get-OScustomizationNicMapping | set-OSCustomizationNicMapping -IpMode UseStaticIP -IpAddress $vm.IP -SubnetMask $vm.subnet -DefaultGateway $vm.gateway -Dns $vm.Dns1, $vm.Dns2

    get-OScustomizationspec $vm.csm -server $server | Set-OSCustomizationSpec -NamingScheme fixed -NamingPrefix $vm.Name

    $vms = New-VM -Name $vm.Name -VMhost $vm.vmhost -Template $vm.template -OSCustomizationSpec $vm.csm -confirm:$false -Datastore $vm.datastore -Location $vm.location -verbose -RunAsync

    $vms | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name VMName -value $vm.name

    $a += $vms


    foreach($task in $a){

        $result = get-task -id $task.id


        $result = get-task -id $task.id


        start-sleep -Seconds 10


        until ($result.State -eq 'Success'){




        if($result.State -eq 'Success' -and ((Get-VM -Id $result.Result).PowerState) -eq 'PoweredOff'  ){

        Get-VM -Id $result.Result | start-vm



Disclaimer: ~I'm just an IT enthusiast with no certs, no degrees, no training, in any of this crap, but I know my around google so that's all that matters. -Jose Rodriguez~   

Blog: https://powershell.house/